Something kind of Neat | Arthritis Information


My husband just called me from work on his break (he's a 2nd shifter) and he is going to be on Discovery Channel in the future!  They did the taping today and will let us know when the show is going to be on.  How cool is that! 

This brightened a bummer of a day for me.  I wanted to adopt another dog and he said no.  What a meanie!

Hope everyone has had a good day and is feeling well.  Thanks for letting me vent! That's neat...what's the show about?Great news....... what's the show about?  What does he do? 
The dog sounds so cute...  I love dogs, but I just have a cat!  Too much responsibility, since no kids around ... just me!!!  I love not having to worry about who will feed or walk a dog... the cat just lays around, gets pissed at me when I return from a couple of days being gone, so she sits on my bed with her back to me Let us know what your husbands show is about!!!

The show is going to have something to do with welding and heavy mining equipment.  The company he works for manufactures drag lines, shovels, and drills for mining.  They made one of the largest shovels in history that helped dig out the Panama Canal.  That particular shovel is also featured in a Curious George book. 

Here's a few pics of what he does.  It's a dirty job but someone has to do it!  Thank goodness they have uniforms!


YAY! Another welder!  My husband doesn't see the girls either during the week.  They poke their heads in my room right before they leave for school to say hi and love you.  The nice thing about him working 2nd shift...I have remote control!!

My hubby use to be on 2nd shift at his old job... now he is 1st shift which sucks... meaning he is home more thru the day

But I liked him on 2nd shift gave me time to myself. But hey will not complain about him being home thru the day... since I was really bad at one time and have improved a lot, and really needed him home thru the day when son was a newborn as I could not tend to him like a normal mommy could have


OMG OMG OMG OMG LIZ! IS HE GONNA BE ON DIRTY JOBS?!?!? I EFFING LOVE THAT SHOW!!!!!!!!!! you HAVE to tell me when he's going to be on!!!!!!!! Oh I love the show Dirty Jobs!!! I know you and hubby must be excited for whatever show he is going to be on... what a bonus if it is Dirty Jobs! No, it isn't going to be Dirty Jobs.  Although it should be lol.  It is going to be a special on mining.  We love the show Dirty Jobs too.  I'll be interested in seeing that show, since my roots are coal miner roots!  Anyway, make sure we know when it's on!

I love Dirty Jobs also, but I think it's cause I like Mike Rowe so much!  He's so funny, and not bad to look at either!

Very cool!!