one thing and then another... | Arthritis Information


I swear there is always something wrong with me! Last week my back went crazy and I couldnt move and it hurt so started feeling better on the weekend but I was just so exhausted, then my neck hurt, then last night my foot was getting these shooting pains and I went through a mini-meltdown today my stomach was bothering me all day! WA WA WA!!!! It is always something.....does anyone have any happy pills I can take????

I am still waiting to get an appointment with my new Pain Managment doctor. I skipped my appt on the 1st with the old doc b/c my ortho surgeon for my neck wanted me to see his guy about those notorious spinal injections....but they have yet to call me for my appointment. And THEN I just now remembered I need to go get a TB test done tommorrow so I can have it read on Friday...or I wont beable to get my Remicade on monday.GGGGRRRRRRRRRR!!! I was planning on staying home tomorrow and getting some things done at the house. Guess that wont happen.  I dont even know where I can go for one...I have always gotten them for free at work. And now I gotta squeeze in tomorrow....that is gonna eat up half of my day!!!

I am just aggrevated...and tired...I want my house to stay clean for more than 12 hours at a time...and to not have anything to do for just a few days. I just want to be...awake but not busy...I am always busy until I crash...and then it starts over again.

I know for sure I am sick of having company. I have been on the go every weekday, and on the weekends we have people here Sat and Sun...and kids...extra kids....I dont even like most kids...Okay, thats not really true...I like kids..but kids in numbers are loud and messy and destructive...and when people come over and bring their kids but dont really watch them it means more work for me. And kids over means that my kids room gets totally trashed.

I just need a break.

Whose up for a trip to someplace tropical???? Kicking back in a hammock with a Margarita and the warm breezes blowin'....

Okay, I will settle for the couch, a space heater/fan, and...well...I'll still take the rita, or maybe a bloody mary with extra salt and olive juice.............

sorry to hear of your pains and aches.

I am up for Disneyland anytime! The happiest place on Earth...


Sounds good to me...I know it was just a random rant...but I had to complain a bit!

Anytime... we all have to have some of those kinds of posts


My Rheumy did the TB test. They should have done that when they decided you were going on Remicade. You should have one done before Enbrel. That wasn't that long ago.

Understand about the craziness. I melted down today. Pain, pain and more pain. Fighting doctors and disability has me really down.


I am feeling a little better now that I got it off of my I am watching Family Guy....that always cheers me up.[QUOTE=joonie]


I am up for Disneyland anytime! The happiest place on Earth...



DISNEY!  I'm so there.  I want to have breakfast with Mickey!

Sorry you are having aches and pains.  I know what it is like to have a houseful of kids and everyone is noisy and there is just so much mess to deal with.  Sometimes it is like having mini tornadoes rip thru the house.  I take a deep breath and jsut deal with it since I would rather have them here than out running the streets.  But there are times I'm like auuuuuuuuuuugghhhhhhhh I have had enuf! 

I had a TB test in Nov of last year cause I have to have it yearly for work. I could probably take my badge and go to the infection control nurse and get it done....but I dont want to drive all the way down there...that is a 45 min drive vs...25 min and a copay...anyways...I could maybe accomplish some other things at the GPs office while I am there.