

Some of you may have read my Prednisilone message but I am curious now as to another subject that you may be able to help on as well!

Has anyone had an injection into wrist/fingers/knees/shoulders or anywhere else that is causing pain??

All i know is that it is a steroid injection instead of taking Prednisilone tablets. Maybe the Cortisone or something else - unsure until I speak in more detail to my GP.

Curious as if painful, how long it takes before it works and how long it lasts for.

Thanks All


Hi Chelybel,  Go to the criteria for ra thread.  The last few posts answer your question.  I had the same concerns.  I am also a scaredy cat!

Thanks Roxy - where about exactly do I find this please ??

Think RA affected my brain!!!

I have had Burcitis (sp?) in my shoulders where I would cry with pain.  A steroid injection into joint had me out of pain by the next day.  The problem with RA and Fibro is the pain is so widespead.  If you have one particular bad jt. , the steroid injections work GREAT!  Karen

I have gotten 4 cortisone shots into various joints... both wrists at the same time, the right elbow and then my right ring finger. It hurts as any shot and it depends on how sensitive you are. my wrists hurt a bit like a sting, my elbow had spray lanacaine used so i didnt really feel that (just REALLY cold tothe point of almost burning) and my finger hurt quite a bit.. Is all cases, the doc puts lanacaine into the joint first and that burns a bit, then the cortisone goes in. without the lanacaine, it would burn a lot, but its not too bad. I am PARANOID

the results were great!

Hope this helps.. it hurts a bit, but is worth it in my book!!!


 I have shots in elbow, knee and shoudler. I do not believe that they are painful at all. They take seconds. Just sit still and think of something else. The results are wonderful.

Really, they are no big deal. Don't be nervous.

Take care and God Bless.


I've had them in numerous joints for the past 11 years...and I'm a huge fan. Huge!!

Nothing gets me going faster than a shot of cortisone. They hurt like hell (depending on the joint) but they are well worth it. You can pretty much expect dramatic results in 24 to 48 hours.

The doctor will only give you so many a year...their not exactly good for you; but they do produce dramatic results quickly. Give it a try!!

i just had one in the wrist about 3 hours ago..i will not lie it stung when the needle went it.. when he pulled my hand and moved my wrist around it hurt like hell! but said the pain would go away in about 24 hrs.. now it is just sore that is why i am typing with just one hand! friday i get the other 5 injections... i say give it a try!

You keep track of yours Sky; let us know when it stops working so we can try to pin point how long they last...or at least for you anyway. All of us are going to have different reactions.

