Question about blood sugar..... | Arthritis Information


Is low blood sugar a side effect of either RA or Fibro????

I guess mine dipped REALLY low Sunday night (70 by the time the paramedics got to my house), I passed out, wacked my head on the tile and had a seizure. My poor husband called 911, and I was rushed to the hospital. I'm dealing with alot of short-term memory loss now, it stinks. And boy oh boy, my head is still THROBBING this afternoon.

Best part of the experience was the Ativan and Morphine they stuck in my IV in the ER. I haven't been pain free like that in MONTHS!!!! heh. (well, what I can remember anyways)

Bad part is in one of the CT scans they found a "suspicious" mass in my brain, and I have to go in for a MRI tomorrow. I'm freaking out....I don't want to let on to DH because he's already freaked out from watching what he thought was me dying Sunday night (apparantly I stopped breathing for nearly a minute), because brain tumors run in my family. My grandmother has had 3, and my uncle 2 (my dad's mother and brother).

Is this related maybe? Or just one more thing on my plate this year. *sighs*

Oh the bright side, I'm 100% weaned!!!

Oh, and I finally remembered to call the Rheumy this afternoon about the meds. I had to get past my throbbing head the past couple of days before I could get on the phone.

I am sorry to hear of your ordeal.

As for your question not sure.

I hope the MRI comes out in a positive way for you.

Please keep us posted.


I don't remember reading or hearing anywhere that it was.

How scary, I hope your MRI turns out to be ok.

I can't be 100% sure, but I don't think low blood sugar is caused
by RA. I've actually gotten really high blood sugar from being
on steroids in the hospital and the prednisone. If I am on them
for a while, I have to test it myself. When I am not on steroids,
my blood sugar is very healthy. I hope that every thing turns out
ok on the MRI. Let us know how it goes!

Maybe your blood sugar dropped because you have weaned off the prednisone. I've always had low blood sugar since I was about 16. Prednisone does tend to raise your blood sugar and can cause diabetes. You should get a full glucose tolerance test done to rule out problems. It certainly can drop enough to faint.

Hopefully the mass is related to the fall and is a minor problem. But I'd be scared with your family's background. Who wouldn't be?

It might be better to let your husband know that you are getting it checked. I know my kids don't want me to hide stuff from them. I just do it light most of the time. "Oh, now they are going to check me for this. It's such a pain." We all get scared. But they both have said they would rather I be honest.

I know I was really hurt when my ex didn't tell me that when he had his knee surgery years ago that it might be cancerous until after the surgery. We still had a fight over recently.

Really am hoping that your tests come out ok.

I don't understand why they didn't keep you and do the MRI right away!  Why would they tell someone they see something suspiscious on their brain, after they have fallen and hit their head and had a seizure, and then send them home????  That doesn't make any sense to me. 

I am so sorry this happened and I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. 
Thats how medicine is practiced today... by and of the check book.

I just got a pred pack from the pharmacy today and one of the warnings on it was if you have diabetes this medicine may change your blood or urine sugar. 

Congrats on weaning the baby.  Take care and keep us posted.  Hope you are feeling better soon!

Ohhh, DH knows about the MRI....he just doesn't know how freaked out I am about the whole thing.

Hmmm, it could be because of the prednisone, however, I didn't start weaning on the doseage until today actually. I've never had problems with my blood sugar though, if anything, it's probably TOO high sometimes (I have a slight addiction to sweet things....bad I know)

You know, I don't know why they didn't do an MRI when I was in the hospital. I didn't think of that until now. Maybe they didn't have any openings?? I know when I called today to schedule it, I got the last appointment for the rest of the week.

Hmmmm, well, I'm now even more convinced the Dr's "diagnosis" last week of fibromyalgia is incorrect. Even the Drs at the hospital were thinking RA more than Fibro from the pain I was describing. (and the fact that people were touching me and it didn't bother me one bit...yes my joints were and still are KILLING me)

Thanks everyone. Once again, I appreciate this forum, and everyone here. Y'all really help keep me sane. I'll update you when I know the results of the MRI. *sits on nails as to not bite them*

I dont think the  RA causes  problems with BS...but I do have problems with mine dropping...I started this a few years ago after taking seasonal birth control pills and even though I got off of those pills right away, I still have hypoglycemia. Mine easily drops in the low 70s if I dont eat every few hours...not exactly helping my in the diet dept.

I am sorry to hear about your whole ordeal...thoughts and prayers are being sent your way!

Jenny Craig has you eat 3 little meals and 3 snacks a day. So does the American diabetic diet. I find I feel better if I follow that routine.