arthritus in thumbs | Arthritis Information


Please anyone who has had thumb fusion recently, let me know about the surgery. I am an artist and afraid to have the surgery, because I won't have flexiblity in my thumb.

   Roger  Travis

Hi Roger and welcome to the forum.

I am assuming that you have OA in you thumb(s), is that correct? I also have it in both of mine, from the big joint by the wrist to the  joint near the end of the thumb. I did not have fusion, but did have surgery to remove the joint by the wrist of my right hand and they took a tendon from my wrist, going up forearm about 2", and wound it up to act as a cushion to replace the joint.

Unfortunately, my surgery failed 6 months after it was done, 2 years ago. It has gotten progressively worse and will continue to worsen until I can find an exceptional hand surgeon who might be able to repair the damage done by arthritis and the original surgery.

At this time my hand is quite deformed, due primarily to the thumb. I can still use it a little bit, but cannot do any of the things that I've always loved; crocheting, fine needlework, painting, gardening. I also wear only clothes without buttons or zippers as they are too hard for me to use. My left hand needs surgery also, but I am too afraid to even try it.

The reason I'm telling you all this is that you need to know that you hand will never be like it was before. I'm sure the doctor has made this clear to you. It just depends on  how bad it is, how much use you have already lost, how much pain you can stand, etc.

In my case, since my inflammation is so high, my PCP and rheumatologist both say that I couldn't get surgery now anyway, because of the risk of infection. Have to wait til we can find a way to get inflammation down.

It is a tough decision to make, especially for an artist. Best wishes to you. Be sure to talk to the doctors and do all the research you can to make your decision.

Many Blessings,



I have had bouts of really bad thumb pain in the joint nearest the wrist. At the 1 year mark of constant pain I considered the surgery NiNi had, I'm glad I did not do it because the pain almost completely stopped at the 18 month. I had 5 cortisone injection in during the time it was so inflamed.

I would not fuse my thumb, no matter how much it hurt. The thumb is what makes a hand a hand...if you don't have a thumb you have a paw.

Have cortisone inj and splint it so it can rest and perhaps heal itself. Or have NiNi's surgery - but don't fuse it!