Marathon | Arthritis Information


I met with SacramentoFit Saturday morning.  I had trepidations but I was determined.  There was a large crowd and they were people of all sizes and ages so I said to myself, "yes, I can do this" too.  I put myself in the slowest group and took off for my performance test to see just how fit I was.  I didn't do bad but I sure didn't do great and I admit that the rest of the day my hip and bottom hurt so badly and I only walked one little mile.  Again, doubts ate at me the rest of the day but I now that its Sunday and my hip has stopped hurting I have decided to go again next Saturday for the three mile walk.  Oh Lord, what will I do when we are trying to walk 20 miles. 

I will keep you all posted because I'm afraid that I need to make myself accoutable to someone and I have decided that it will be all of you.  My health will come first to if I can't handle it, I'll bow it but first I'm going to do everything possible to do it.

Thanks for listening.  Tomorrow, Tuesday and Thursday I have to walk for 30 minutes but I'll let you know next Saturday how it goes. 

Good luck cristene That's great!  Keep at it!

You go Cristine. 

"A thousand mile journey begins with a single step" - Lao Tse

You took many first steps today........YAY good luck hun! Just try your best. 

Cristene that's awesome!! Just do a little everyday to build up to the biggie. You can do it!! We're behind you 100%.

