So much pain | Arthritis Information


WTF  Why????  I have been taking it easy the last couple days except for errands yesterday.  Today I awoke in horrific pain, I can hardly walk and I took two percocets and it hardly dented it.  When I feel like this I am so afraid of ending up in a nursing home.  I hate this disease so bad.  It is sneaky and mean.  I have to go pay my house payment and I am just dreading going to the bank.  This sucks.  Now I am really missing Brett and that sucks too.  This should not be the reason I miss my husband

Feel Better!


I know words don't mean much, but if I were there I would help you.  I will be praying for you.

I hope you feel better.  At least you got your errands done yesterday!- Joy

Crunchy,  I think you are right.  I need an Nsaid but I hurt too bad to look for them.  I have the good ole sausage fingers and hips, knees shoulders and ankle pain.  It is wierd.  I wonder if it is because I slowed down.  This pain is the worse since I moved here.  I am going to call disability services tomorrow and see if I can get services even though my SSI has not been approved yet.  Driving is so hard for me, in fact, today everything was hard for me.  Grouchy, OMG I have been grouchy.  If one of the animals just touches me wrong, I jump with pain.  Tomorrow HAS to be a better day. 

PS  It doesn't help my Enbrel is due and I can't take it as I have two open sores.  My rheumy was adament that I do not take it with open sores. 

Hope you feel better soon.

There's just days like this. They are "sledgehammer days." They can come on from unrecognized stress. They also can just happen. Baby yourself. Kelsey will recover. The animals will still love you.

And honey, you know you miss Brett, his troubles and all. That's what makes it so hard. Your heart still loves him even when your mind is so mad at him.

Plus, look at all the things you just named as stressors. Give yourself a break.

 Thoughts and prayers to you honey.....

I really feel stress plays a big role in this damn disease.....and I am not a practice what I preach person because stress sometimes overwhelms me too.  Try to do just one thing at a time...try to think about one thing at a time.....I overwhelm my self pretty easy

For the record I am with a man who is a recovering alcoholic...with gods help he came out of rehab (or I would never have married him) with no problem...he hasnt even wanted to drink and it has been 14 years !!!!! 

I think that has to do with the attitude he went into rehab with.

This whole thing has to be his problem cannot fix him and he cant fix himself if he truly isnt ready.....the haradest thing is to realize we cant fix the problem it us up to them.

Take care




I know Gram.  I spent an hour talking to a counselor last night.  She really had a good head on her shoulders.  She also had fibro and a bulging disc so she understood chronic pain.  Anyway, it is up to Brett to stop drinking but if he does not quit-  I will be very sad.  I do love him but I won't live with him.  I am going to try to get myself some services today.  Yesterday was hell.  My daughter ended being a sweetheart and took care of me.  I need to feel more independent.   I feel better this morning.  