changes day to day | Arthritis Information


Ok, my experienced RA'ers.  Need your thoughts on this.  I feel different every single day.  By that, I mean, I am in a lot of pain one day, none the next.  I'm wondering if that means I'm not under control?  does that mean I'm having flares?  Do flares usually last longer than 1 day?  I'm confused.  Sometimes I wonder if I have the wrong dx (even though I KNOW I don't), but somedays I feel good enough to wonder that.

What do you think?


That's pretty much how I am...though I haven't seen a I don't know what it means. You should let your doc know you feel this way. Maybe he can give you a more specific answer. Everyone is going to react differently, so it's hard to say if that's normal for you, or if you're not under control. Some days when I wake up I just want the world to explode so I don't have to deal with anything. And others I'm up and moving around and I have so much energy I don't know what to do with myself. For me, that's pretty standard...

That is often the way it goes.

Get up in the am and the 10 foot walk to the bathroom seems like miles. After a hot shower and a couple cups of coffee, turns out it is going to be a good day after all.

The next day I feel almost normal gettting out of bed, then my wrists start up before I even get to work.

My DH seems to understand better than I do, it is a hour by hour kind of thing. On the other hand, I've had a 'flare' last a year. If it ain't one thing then it is two others


That's how I feel.  Somedays I can go all day with pain.  Then the very next day, without any cause (that I know of), I can be in so much pain that I can't think straight.  I'm keeping a log to see if there is any rhyme or reason.  I'm very active (2 very young children at home), work full time and go to school.  I'm sure I over do it, but nothing can give right now.  I seem to really pay for my week during the weekends.

Thanks for everyones input.

