Enbrel and chicken pox | Arthritis Information


There is a chicken pox epidemic going around here at home and I am somewhat concerned since I am on Enbrel. I have had chicken pox when I was younger but I have heard that some people, though rare, do get chicken pox again. And, since I am on Enbrel does this make me more susceptable? Also, definitely don't want to get shingles.

Does anyone have any experience with this?

AllyNo idea, you should really call you doctor. You don't have to be exposed to anyone with chickenpox to get shingles though. Just so you know. Shingles IS the chickenpox virus that lays dormant in your system. Kinda crappy, I know. :( Hopefully you had chickenpox bad enough when you were little that you won't get it now! Good luck! I had chicken pox TWICE.  Both when I was young, but the second time was really bad, it left scars.  I avoid anyone with any illness, that is just my policy.  I don't like not taking my Enbrel.  I am waiting for a couple open sores to heal right now.  Better safe than sorry I try my best to keep away from sick people. But you always have those nuts who insist on coming to work no matter what!

But my biggest problem is my children, 8 and 10. So far no chicken pox but my youngest has a cold and I just can't deny him hugs and kisses at bedtime.From what I understand, folks who get chickenpox a second time had a pretty mild case of it their first time - not enough to build up the immunity.  Do you know how bad you had them?  I wouldn't be surprised if my youngest son ended up getting them again.  He got chickenpox when his older brother had it, but only had about 5 on his entire body!  I'm not sure if that was enough.

There is a chickenpox vaccine now, but I don't know if it is a live vaccine or not.  Live vaccines are to be avoided when you're on Enbrel.  If your doctor thinks you have reason to be concerned about it, ask if you can have the vaccination.

I was told by a doctor that being exposed to chickenpox does not cause shingles.  It has nothing to do with it.  The nasty little disease just pops up when your immune system is low, or can sometimes be activated by radiation treatments.  My mother got a case of shingles after she received radiation treatments for a skin cancer on her back. 

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