Happy, and a question | Arthritis Information


Just have to say what a terrific day I had--thanks to Celebrex, I'm pretty sure. And after all that fretting I did about whether or not to take it.

You guys said to take it whether I thought I really, really needed it or not. In two days I've gone from a downhill slide to feeling better than I have in weeks. I've been walking down the stairs like an almost normal person, and my hands felt good enough to plant my fall flowers--something they've been putting off for weeks.

Maybe it's a fluke, maybe it won't last--well, of course it won't last, it's RA

The question I have, worrry wart that I am, is whether a snap-crackle-pop joint probably means that joint is on it's way to hurting with RA. Or is it just plain old age? (I'm 45)

All my affected joints are very noisy, of course. My shoulders have been noisy too for a little while, but they don't hurt. And just recently my hips have started in with the racket, though they don't hurt either. I keep hoping I'll be lucky and the big joints will take a long time to be affected. But now I'm wondering if these sounds mean something.

What have you guys experienced about relationship of noise to RA activity?








The snap, crackle, pop is usually Osteoarthritis which can be set off by RA. It is the normal wear-and-tear arthritis most people experience when they get a lot older. Unfortunately, it seems RA works on those joints with the constant inflammation and can cause problems with getting OA sooner.

You can do lots about it though. Get with your doctor, have films done. Then, depending on the results, maybe you need more ROM exercise, physical therapy. When the damage becomes bone on bone, then they start considering surgery. But you are a little young for that.

It doesn't sound bad at this point which is good. So, get on to your doctor and make sure that it doesn't get worse.

Call me Rice Krispies!  I have a knee that goes snap, crackle, pop from OA and 7 surgeries on it.  The 7 surgeries are partially from the OA and partially because I had adrenaline issues and would continue to tear the cartilege.  Vicious circle tho.  The more damage I did, the more damage the OA did.   I am 38 and will have my knee replaced after the first of the year.  I actually look forward to it (altho I am a little nervous about it) because I will be able to do the things I want to do without the pain anymore like camp, hike, and drive my car (I drive a stick shift and it's my left knee of course).

Take care of your joints and maybe think about getting into your doc for some x-rays to see what they can see about your joints.  I am a prime of example of someone who didn't and wouldn't want anyone to end up the way I am. 

My joints are not noisy but they jump and spasm and hurt.  It is good to see a happy post.  Continue to take care of yourself and continue to feel happy.  Then share that happiness with us. 

Don't WORRY - BE HAPPY (I need a dancing banana lol) Errr...am I out of place? My knees and elbow and wrist all snap crackle pop...and have since I was about..oh I dunno, 12ish? So what's mine from. cause it a'int OA.... Hi RKGal,
Who would have thought walking down stairs would have brought so much joy!  I know that a good stairs day puts me in a mighty fine mood. 

The snap-crackle-pop is likely crepitus.  "Crepitus is a clinical symptom in medicine that is characterized by a peculiar crackling, crinkly, or grating feeling or sound under the skin, around the lungs, or in the joints."  I only have RA, no OA, and every arthritis expert I mention  it too just tells me it's part of RA and nothing to worry about.  Must say though, the popping neck every time I turn to the right is driving me batty!!

Right now I'm mostly jealous that the weather where you are is nice enough to do any gardening (up here in the Great White North I need to put my gardens to bed for the winter and all it's done for weeks is rain). Joy39033.8411226852I'm another box of Rice Krispies! Can't remember when my knees didn't snap, crackle and pop.

Actually it's been in about the past year or a bit longer that I've noticed my other joints: elbows, shoulders, ankles, and neck crack whenever. Actually have been times they've popped so loudly it sounds like a piece of wood being cracked across your leg when you're breaking it.  When it's my knee(s) doing the cracking it usually hurts pretty bad, but usually no pain/discomfort when other joints sound off.  I'm wondering if it's because of the prednisone? Will soon be off the pred completely in December. Am going to ask my rheumy at my next appt. about my theory.

I pop and crack alot on somedays and not at all on others...but I havent been able to corelate it to pain and flares. The RD told me it is just a shift of fluid in the joint...and pretty much the norm for RA...So...just call me crunchy!ahhh... I snap, crackle, pop and sometimes have the feeling that my hip or shoulder has actually popped out of joint! And I am only 27 and had the rice krispies affect since I was about 8 and around 10 is when my hip first started popping out... yeah it was when in school they would have you sit indian style well... mine popped out and back in real fast... and I went home because it was sheer pain, yep and took a baby asprin for the pain. Aaaahhh the good ol' days of JRA

Joy, you described me to a T. The neck grating is crazy-making, and all this noise has been going on just for about the last year or less.

I had heard of crepitus but didn't have a handle on it. Creepy word.

Hey, when did I start saying "my day"? My grandmother used to say that! There's another bad habit to nip in the bud.


Well, here's a strange one for you.  When I was younger I didn't snap and pop ---UNLESS I was pregnant!  I actually had 4 pregnancies (the first ended in miscarriage) and I quickly discovered that popping and snapping was one of my earliest symptoms of pregnancy!  I know that your body releases hormones to "relax" the joints of the pelvis to make delivery easier, so perhaps that is what was causing this. 

My snap and pop returned once I entered my pre-menopausal years and after my body stopped producing thyroid hormone, so I wonder if my other hormones are screwed up also! 

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