colds and enbrel?? | Arthritis Information


Okay, I have a cold and am on enbrel.  I saw my rhummy on Wends. and she said do not take my enbrel dose until my cold is completely gone....I am suppose to take it on Sunday, and my cold is better, but not gone completely.  What do you think?  How important is it too stay off enbrel when you have a simple cold.  I swear its almost gone!!  LOL  I would love some input here!  THANKS!!!

A simple cold can easaily turn into a sinus infection, upper respitory infection or worst. I've learned the hard way it's better to give it a few days and then take your injection (I take Humira) off schedule if nessesary.

Nothing life shattering is going to happen.....but something that might have taken a week to kick could end up taking a month and three rounds of antibiotics to kick if you aren't careful.

It's hard to gauge and with time you'll get a better feel for it. Sometimes you have to learn the hard way on things to get a full understanding. If you've just got a little sniffle; I'd go ahead. BUT; if you've got a cough that's been hard to kick I'd put it off a few more days just to be certain. It's easier to catch up from a few days off than a few weeks to a month.

Good Luck.


And welcome to AI. Glad you're here. Hope to see more of you.

I am just recovering from this. My son had pneumonia and I was caring for him. I didn't even feel sick. I gave myself my weekly injection and within 18 hours I was soooo sick. When in doubt...wait a week. 

Agree, wait a week. Same thing when I got bronchitis. Took forever, lots of doctors, really sick.

Wait the time out.

Thanks so much for the advice!  I am truely almost over it, but I know my body....I have gotten severe colds and have taken weeks to recover even when I was not on meds for RA.  This is mild, I will give my body time to recover before giving the injection, I will just cross my fingers and hope I dont have severe pain.  This will be a good experiment too....learning lesson on the need for enbrel ;)Does the RA get really active while waiting it out though?  I stopped my Avara for one week when I started the Enbrel and the RA went out of control... I am new at Enbrel so I listen to all advice here from those who know, but I just wanted to share that too. 

I can go several weeks without it being too bad. The three week is pretty 4 I'm thankful for my Humira and MTX. Being off your meds certainly makes you appreciate them,

Hope your cold passes quickly.

Im so bad......I couldnt handle the thought of being in pain so I took my enbrel shot anyway.....knock on wood, things with the cold still seem at bay....IT truely was almost over!  LOL! This coming from a girl who use to hate to take ibuprofin b/c I couldnt stand the thought of having anything foregin in my body!  LOL  Oh lordy, what has the world come too! 

It's been my experience that it certaily lenghtens the amount of time it takes to get well.

Dena~I use to be like you and absolutely feared being off my meds due to illness. I learned my lesson about 8 months into it though when I took my Humira too soon after a sinus infection. I was ALMOST better and went ahead with my Humira because we were going on vacation. Long story short I ended up very sick for close to a month with bronchitis they thought I had phenmoia but chest x-rays just showed serious bronchitis. Since then I've learned it's just best to wait.

Sometimes though you have to just live and learn. We don't all respond the same have to sort of experiment and learn how your body reacts.

Hi Dena,

Im so glad you posted this.  My father is ill from a staph infection earlier this year following knee surgery.  He was not taken off the enbrel prior.

 The surgery was due to an accident where he fell one story and shattered his knee.  He had surgery that day.  The doctor did not explain that knee and joint surgery is one of the procedures that make you most susceptible to infections.  He did not take my father off the enbrel (because he was not familiar with it).  My dad became a "sitting duck" for the horrible staph infection he got. 

So  I am amazed to see that you and other people on this board go off the meds for a simple cold.  WOW.  It certainly makes sense though now that I read this. 

I know these meds are wonderful - but DEFINITELY worth the discomfort temporarily when you have to go off of them.  My dad can never take enbrel again because of his infection.

I hope you are well very soon!!!!  Thanks for posting this interesting subject.
