Growdy!! | Arthritis Information


I can feel thru my skin where my elbow is broke. All swelling is compeletly gone.

Yes, I took my cast off again. I cannot help it. It has been itching again and my arm feels so much better with it off, not to mention how my shoulder feels without that extra weight pulling it down. It feels like "free"... my arm is yelling "FREEDOM!! Free... at last!!!" After I get my shower I will get it back on.



You are telling me! I asked hubby if he wanted to feel... and he said "Naw... that is ok." with this grossed out look on his face. I was like "it only feels like a little crack like in a sidewalk"... and then I said "I said sidewalk"... and started to laugh.... and then said "yeah me and sidewalks get along great as long as they are not moving!"


heh said "crack!"

Oh and it is sooo cute! My son now has plumber's crack LMAO!! He will squat down to play with something or pick something up and his little crack will be exposed and I have to call hubby to come look at it and laugh with me


Baby crack is funny! Awww Joonie baby crack is soooooooo cute!  

I have always wanted a little boy.  We have 3 girls and a granddaughter.  Talk about hormone hel*!

Haha I love our threads. None of us are normal.  I wanna feel the broken bone! That's AWESOME

I think watching the surgery would be neat.  I have seen my scopes before.  It is neat.  I was awake too for my high tibial osteotomy. 

Ok before everyone goes ewwwwwwwwww....don't forget I was a paramedic lol. 
Y'all are hilarious, sheesh. My daughter is looking at me like I'm some kind of nutcase.

Yeah Katie you are not kidding...

we go from broken bone -to- baby crack -to- dead bodies and back to baby crack

We're just lucky!

