anybody skinny yet? | Arthritis Information


How's everyone doing with the diet/food situation??? Still hanging in there? I am still working at it. I am only weighing once a week so....I dont get on untill Thursday. But I am working hard at it...and drinking lots of water and tea (no sugar---just sweetner).

I will be skinny...I will be skinny...I will be skinny...

God knows I havent found a way to control this freakin least I can control another illness...obesity.

I am going to reach my goal of 15 pounds off by christmas...just watch me!

Ummm... eating yet another ice cream sandwich

Today my oldest sister and her daughter said I looked like I lost weight

Or or... it could be that my new bra made my boobs poke out more in front of me and making my belly look smaller?!?

OMG!! I gotta tell ya!!!

I was at the baby shower and I was getting a bowl of salsa and I laid it down on the coffee table and went to go get me a drink I came back and was looking for my bowl... well I was looking and I was like where is it?! Then my sister pointed to it and I had to step back as I could not see it over my boobs!


Wow...that's some kinda bra!


Heyyyyyy Scooby! Whats shaken???

No..wait..heh heh..dont answer that!

I was stuck at the baby shower with a size 0 and size 4. The size 4 use to be a size 3 but she gained a pound a few months back LMAO!

One was one on my nephews girlfriend and the other was one of my nieces. My other niece is a size 8 but use to be a size 6 about a few months back... she gained 2 pounds LMAO!!

maybe they need to try learning to salsa to gain back their "figures"


joonie39034.0392476852Sure...its fun and all of that booty shaking is good for the waistline....SALSA!!!!!!!

I don't think I am going to know what skinny is for awhile!  Stressful day yesterday and hubby comes home with a grip of comfort food!

I wish I was as limber as my chinchilla.  He is rolling around right now is his dust bowl lol. 

SALSA!  Well, mild salsa booty shaking for me please!

grammaskittles39034.1125925926i dont know why i cant lose weight. i am at a pretty big platue and its so frusterating. i use my elliptical about 3x a week and eat about 1500 cals a day which is a far cry from 3000 lol I guess I should just be happy not to gain weight, right? I
always say I'm gonna lose it, but when the weather gets colder,
and sweaters cover up my gut, I lose the motivation. Maybe I
need to plan a trip to the Carribean to get back in shape!My friends here in Mexico say I look like I've lost weight and I have...I've lost 11 lbs by cutting my portions in half.  Also, have cut fat grams.  Am eating fruit, veggies, a little meat, yogurt, cereal, and seafood.  My diet is very different here than in the states.  Also, have tapered to 9mg. from 30mg. and that has helped the swollen face syndrome.  Good luck to all of you.  Size 2 hell, I just want to get to a size 14.yeah rightI am sure I have lost weight since Brett left.  I can't stand long enough to cook.  I just ordered meals on wheels this morning.  I hope it is decent food and not too fattening.  One of the good things about this move so far is it has made me lose weight. Well.....I don't have a scale sooooo....lets go with "Ive lost 10 lbs" LMAO. I honestly have no earthly idea. And it's that week so I feel fatter than ever. Haha I have been cooking very healthy. Hubby and I were in the
mood for fried chicken, so I am making an alternative: oven
fried chicken. It uses buttermilk, cornflakes, and creole
seasoning and you bake it. I'll let you know how it tastes when
it's done!

Someone has eaten my Edy's Cookie Dough Ice Cream.  So far the only suspects have been Not Me and I Don't Know. 

Today for lunch I made rice and threw in some corn, peas, and little seasoning salt.  It was pretty good and somewhat healthy. 

Well, my splint-cast made me gain 2 pounds...

Damn you splint-cast! You make my arm itch, you make me take you off and keep me from showering properly, you are beginning to stink *peww* and now you made me gain 2 pounds!!

Ok I am off to go find me yet another ice cream sandwich. is a little trick for when you plateau on a diet....increase you calories by 100 for a week or two to boost your metabolism. Also increase your water intake. I had the same problem after losing 25 lbs...I just got stuck. I increased a bit and soon I was back to losing again. You know dont increase with chips and cookies..add a fat free yogurt to your daily menu or a light string cheese, or a glass of skim milk with a tsp of choc syrup.

RaSara-I have made a variation of that chick. recipe for years...all you need is doritos and chicken legs. Pull the skin off, rinse. Put some doritos in a big ziplock baggie and crush. Then put one or two pieces of chicken in at a time and shake to coat. Place on a baking pan lined with foil and bake for about 45 min on 375. You can use any favorite chip, and the healthy chips work just as well. Cool Ranch doritos are good. YOu can dip the pieces in Franks Red Hot sauce  when you eat it too if you want a little extra kick.

Crunchy I love Doritos!  I am going to have to try that.  Thanks for the recipe!

what is wrong with you guys?!?!

Doritos are not the same as they were 10 years ago. They changed the cheese recipe and now I think they are gross and they should not have messed with something that was sooo good.

Doritos use to be part of my food pyramid

I miss the good ol days of Doritos.


I still like them....but it is due in part to the fact that I dont eat them very often anymore. I try to stay away from chips....but sometimes I do indulge. And the dorito chicken is good.

One other thing I did last time we went out for texmex. They always bring the bowl of fresh SaLsA to the table. Instead of having chips, I requested some fresh corn tortillas. They are lower in fat than flour tortillas..and I just ripped pieces of one and then folded the strips in half and dipped in the SaLsA. It is a healthier way to enjoy a little appetizer without the fatty fried  tortilla chips.

Crunchy, my hubby loves cool ranch doritos and hot sauce. I'll
have to try that variation next time. I usually don't keep chips or
other junk food in the house (I have no self control), so hubby
will be really excited if I bring home some doritos!

I just dont know where i am going wrong with my diet...i have been following the slimfast plan, with shakes etc, and i have stuck to it...but i havent lost any weight at all in a month. I just feel so bloated all the time. I started on steroids last week too, so i am even more determined not to gain any more...i havent had any choccy or naughties for 4 weeks, i have eaten lots of fruit and veg...i just dont know why i cant lose weight.

I am quite active...i walk my son to nursery every morning and back again...i do my mums housework...i do my mother in laws house work..i do my own housework. I live in a small village and i walk around it most days to the shops etc.

PLease help before i give up