Sensitivity to Pred changes | Arthritis Information


What I have noticed is that even the slightest change in dosage or time of day when pred is taken can have a profound effect on the pain as well as my emotional state.  I am taking 10mgs a day and was taking 5 in the morning and 5 in the evening. My Rheumy told me I should be taking it all at once in the morning. He also suggested that I could start to lower the dosage by 1mg slowly.  So I am taking 9 one day and 10mg the next.  Now I am very sore in the mornings in the usual areas.  Shoulder pain is always with me but not so severe as the day progresses.   It may take some time to re adjust but it has been nearly a week now.  Is anyone else as sensitive to this drug as I am?


Hi Osias, I'm at 8m now.  Down from 20 in Feb 06.  I've noticed if I'm even an hour late taking my prednisone in the morning, there is a marked difference.  My rhuem also made me take it all at once, though I did much better taking it morning and night.  She said it has less side effects that way. I  am also lowering dosage by lmg a month.  I'm ok for a day or two.  Same pain level as always, but then I go through several days on really bad pain before it settles down again.  I want so badly to be off the prednisone, I just endure it.  As long as it doesn't get worse overall, I guess I'm making progress. 

The prednisone has never bothered me emotionally, but many people do experience that.  I have been depressed over the illness and my enability to function as I normally do, but have never felt it was due to the prednisone.  Hang in there, we will surely be over this nightmare someday.  They promised!!!!

Betsy and Osias,
  Iam down to 10 mg and I am not feeling very well..... it is three days now on the lower dose and I am feeling the effects of it.............I want so badly to be off of the stuff but I am not sure.............I spent half the day in bed....I hurt from the top of my head to the tip of my toes.  So I agree with you that the slightest change in the dose seems to have a  big effect on the way one feels..........It has not effected my emotional state, I do get sad and depressed, but I think it is because I have been feeling so terrible for so long, and I lost my husband just before this started.........Hoping this will be over someday................Georgiana
Goergianna, Try to hang in there another day.  Everytime I cut the dosage  I have several days and nights of bad pain.  I just lie around til its' over if I can.  Then it gets tolerable again.  Isn't this just the most hateful thing anyone could have?????!!!!!!Betsy,
    Thanks for the encouragement, I did not up the dose this morning but I wanted to, but I want to get off of this stuff so bad, I am going to try to hang in. Thanks again and hope your days are getting better.  
