Hi! It has been a while... | Arthritis Information


Hi! It has been a while since I have caome and paid a visit to my favorite sites. Lots of things have happened since I was last here. I am now writing my SATs and am closer to being accepted at a medical school for nuclear medicine in Richmond, VA!! I am a little nervous about the SATs because here in Canada, we never wrote tests like that. Plus, I am 33. It has been a long long time since I ever saw Math like they have on these tests.

I have been officially diagnosed with RA.

Things with my new friend in VA is going great, and he can't wait until I move down there for school. I am taking it real slow though. School comes first. If things work out with us, that would be amazing, but you never know. He is really nice about my RA. He has a lot of trouble with kidney stones, so he knows all about pain!

I have a question for the board. I have been experiencing something (sympotoms) that I am not sure is RA related. I thought if anyone would know, you all would. I get more info from here than I do anywere else, and for that I am greatful.

Hope everyone is having a "good" day today and I though I wasn't here much the past few months, I have thought of you all a lot. Dar







Hey Dar.  Good to see you back.  I have missed you.  I hate to tell you but your symptoms remind me of fibro.  When I am having a lot muscle pain (fibro) I hate to be touched and textures feel wierd to me.

You will do fine on the SAT.  You are SO SMART!!!!  I am glad you have a "friend" who has kidney stones

Well I am glad you have a friend that understands pain.  I hear kidney stones are really bad.  I have never had them but RA pain has challenged me the most and I have had broken bones.  HMMMMMM-  I wonder if I feed Brett a l ot of ice cream he would get kidney stones

Keep in touch DAR.  We have missed you.  HUGZ

Hey DAR DAR!!! How are ya doin girl???? I dont have fibro, but what you were describing sounds like what alot of others have described. I have never had problems like that with my RA. Sounds like a big flare...thanks to the weather and the stress about your test. Good luck...just study and it will come back to you.

Dont be a stranger here!

Thanks for the info guys! I always feel so much better when I come here. lol Roxy!

Thanks Crunchy! I think I am making a much bigger deal about the SATs than is needed. I have a degree from a university already, but this test is really scaring me! I don't even understand how it is scored, or what is involved... guess I will have to research it today online. I have the day off today. Yay! Missed you guys too!
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