Someone please chop off my feet | Arthritis Information


Sorry - need to rant...

Woke up this morning with feet like sausages, hands not far off either... Hobbled to work (just) got no sympathy, hobbled home, no better - any sugestions? I have Psoriatic arthritis, on infliximab (remicade), next infusion due 30th, take methotrexate and arcoxia plus tramadol for bad days (had 2 before work today so couldn't even work properly anyway due to fuzzy head). HELP


KT, I'm so sorry about your feet and hands.  I also have PA with RA and OA.  The PA has been by far the worst of the lot.  At one time my feet were swollen that I couldn't wear shoes and couldn't walk.  I was literally homebound.  It has taken 2 years of trial and error with med. combinations and the current cocktail has my feet and hands looking almost normal, except for the damage.  I'm on Remicade, MXT and Tramadol.  What dose of Remicade and MXT are you on?  My RD just raised Remicade to 400 with infus. every 7 weeks and MXT to 20.

Nothing I did helped.  Hot/cold, elevated, etc.  Nothing worked.  The RD started me on high doses of Prednisone and it has taken me 2 years to start to wean and am down to 9mg. 

I hope you've called your RD.  If not, do it tomorrow.


I agree that you should call your doc. They may need to move your infusion earlier. You certainly shouldn't be that swollen.

No, unfortunately, you are not allowed to kill the people at work. It is tempting though. I know what you mean. "oh, yes, my knee crackles a bit. I know what you are going through."

One reason to celebrate not working any more is not putting up with that.

I'm sorry you feel bad though. Get hold of the doctor and make him do something.

Thanks Lindy I will, sometimes feel I'm being a bit moany and whiny but coming here convinces me I'm right to! Lying on the sofa with a gin and tonic to make the pain go away...