Shaking | Arthritis Information


Just in the last few weeks, I've noticed i shake a lot, my hands shake so hard, I just spilled a bottle of water on myself!

I work at an optometrists office and have to repair glasses and I can't hold those darned little screws anymore!!  I've had several patients comment on how shaky my hands were as well.  Whats the deal?  I guess I shouldn't complain as the shaking doesn't HURT but it is rather annoying!!

My hands shook a lot when I was first on meds.  I think I was on mtx, can't remember.  My hands shake when I am overly tired.  They never shook before RA so there must be some relationship.  I am so sorry your hands are shaking since you need them for work.  I hope they calm down, mine did. 

The swelling is actually going down some.  My hands are still visibly swollen but they don't look like balloons anymore so hopefully we have the right combo of meds and they will continue to get better.  I'm down to 7.5mg of the prednisone and hoping to be off it in the next couple of months.

My hands shake too.  It is very pronounced when I am swollen or in pain.  Steroids give me the shakes real bad.  You should see me for about 30 minutes after I do my Advair lol.  I could shake a great martini!I shake too. Yet another fabulous symptom of RA!My hands shake too and have for years. Especially when I reach to pick up a cup to drink from. It is really really bad when I am in a flare.