I am useless on the computer | Arthritis Information


I am in a log of pain right now

I wish I could get on also.

The name may be taken. Names aren't just registered in *that* room alone. They may be registered somewhere else, so you'll just have to close it and try using another name. Sorry!I tired a different name but now I'm getting a error saying access denied to may connections

Thanks, Nini

You cant, unfortunately....every log in is a new log in. All chat rooms are like that. Most chats (like yahoo) you register a name once, and then its yours. Then every time you log in, you type your name in and your password. Kind of like logging on here. The chat we are using is much more free and simple, so there is no saving your name. Its like being a guest, and while you're there you can pick a neat nickname, but it wont save it. Does that make any sense?

So you change your name each time, then let people know who you are if you want to?


Pretty much. Heh.

Okay, thanks Katie. And thanks so much for setting this up for us!

Gentle hugs,


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