Son of a .... | Arthritis Information


Damnit all. Sorry. I made dinner, and was holding the pan over the bowls to serve us...and I thought it felt a little heavy, but it wasn't too bad. Then I set the piece of crap down in the sink and when I let go a searing pain shot through my hand. Now it's all crampy and stiff and swollen and ARGH. I'm so MAD. It's my left wrist too, which is my bad one, and my thumb is involved and it's like I can feel every bone and every tendon stretching and moving inside. What the hell did I do????????????? WAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH

I am sorry, Katie.

That is why I do not do what you do

Hope your hand is ok and gets to feeling like normal soon.


Maybe you stretched something a little too far.  A slight turn of the wrist in the wrong way might cause that.  Maybe wrap it for a couple of days and give it some rest.  Put a heating pad on it and see if the heat calms down the
muscle spasms a bit. It might not take care of all of it, but it
might help!

You have RA. It gets to those tendons and weakens them. Use a wrist splint if you lifting stuff. Of course, I find that impossible to do in the kitchen.

But you might want to bring this up to the doc next visit. If your tendons are starting to flare, they need to help get it under control. PT might help. But I imagine you've be through everything already.

Try the heated bags of rice. If they did it is the tendons and send you  to PT, they will probably try Ultrasound, TENs, small weights and rubber bands. They'll give you exercises that are supposed to counteract the tendon problems. It was only partly successful with me, but I bet you'd have better luck.

I also have changed how I cook things (when I cook). I make sure I don't lift heavy things any more and I that's my rating of heavy, not someone else's.

Honestly, I'm scared about doing the turkey this year. Can I was and get it into the pan? Then, can I get it out again? It's not going to be 20-pounder that's for sure.

Oooo I love you guys. I put my brace on right away, Justin yelled at me to. LOL I slept with it on, but apparently in the middle of the night I stripped it off. Eh. I'll take it with me to work in case I need it again, but right now it's just stiff. Kinda normal though since I just woke up. I tell you weather MUST MUST do something to me. If anyone's caught the national, you've seen the big patch of nasty red rolling across the gulf coast...welp, that's me! And all I did last night was have nightmares of having to ask everyone around me to do things for me because I was so stiff and sore. LOL When I woke up? Bam I'm swollen to the max today...But I do have to say I don't really HURT. I'm slightly achey, but it's deal-able. LoL The wind is HOWLING right now and there's a tornado warning about 4 counties over, so the real sh*t hasn't hit the fan yet. Sure is on it's way though. It's supposed to hail, have severe thunderstorms, damaging winds, tornados, and an inch of rain in an hour(after that they have no idea how much rain....great). Sooo WISH ME LUCK! Our house is crappy..the kitchen and front doorway flood when we have hurricanes, and this may rank right up there with them. Justin's home today so he's going to be on flood post. LoL

Katie,  I am so glad you are feeling better.  I have weak wrists and it is very frustrating.  Sometimes it hurts too much to use the cane and then I feel stuck.  I think Deanna is right, yours might be tendons.  RA sux.  It goes after everything.

What state are you in?  You be careful you hear?  Give us a minute by minute weather report when you get home and don't let your computer get wet.  LoL I'm in FL, right at the bottom of all that crap. Grr. Not looking forward to work. Oh, and it probably was my tendons, as I do have carpel tunnel and tendinitis in that hand. ON TOP of the RA which has fused at least 2 wrist bones together. One of these days I'm just gonna lob the thing off. Haha If you lob it off you can get one of those newfangled bionic ones.  Then you can really grip those pots.  And freak Domino out with it lol.If you lob it off, Katie, could I have it.  It would be a great addition to our haunted house next year! Katie,
Did the storm pass you yet? We're getting ready to get
smacked pretty hard right now. We seem to get tornadoes and
hail every time it storms, so I'm hoping hubby makes it home on
time. Last time he got caught behind some downed trees in a
bad hailstorm!GOD NO. It's *just* now really hitting us. I just drove an hour in it to get to work, and that was the scariest drive of my life. There is random crap in the road EVERYWHERE. There is a 6 mile strech of road on the island that connects our two towns, and well...there's no road, it's all sand.


Katie I slept on my desk one night in Wisconsin because of a blizzard. That is better than being blown away.Crunchy~ I can't drive with family in the car (except hubby)
because all sorts of stuff flies out of my mouth. I don't even want
to bleep it out on here it''s so bad. But seriously, I think Georgia
has some of the worst drivers in the world!

Katie~ Glad you made it home safely. We got some crazy wind,
and our yard flooded and drowned my poor pansies that I
planted. I am definitely not a gardener, so I guess my flowerbed
will be bald until next year. By the way, how do you play video
games? I was playing some Tony Hawk today, and now my
wrist is killing me!

Dena~ I had a pampered chef shower too. I love the stones, but
I can't even lift the loaf pan!I'm a GAMER gamer, I've learned how to prop myself up JUUUUSSSTTT right. LOL And um...I didn't make it home...I made it to WORK. LOL I still have the home trip to make


Oops! least you are in a stable building now! I saw the
thread about the crane!

Yeah I love playing, probably not as much as you, but I used to
be able to play for like 5-6 hours at a time. Now, it's more like 1-
2. Do you have a Nintendo DS? I want one for Christmas.I have a pink DS Lite, and it is my BABY! We also have a PS2 which we love. We will -eventually (like 2 years from now LOL) get the Wii and the PS3. :) Crunchy - When I first saw the commercials for that, I didn't believe it because at the end it shows Brian reading a mag and he says "Gullible gamers will believe anything" So I thought it was a hoax. HeheheheWe have all the old systems (Nintendo, Super Nintendo, Sega,
Sega Dreamcast) but now we play PS2 all the time. We'll
probably get the 360 or the PS3 in like 5 years, when we can
actually afford them. P.S. did you see the South Park about the

YES. LOL it was great! I didn't see the second part though! :(


OH - is it a sega saturn that you have? Justin would die for one of those. There's one here at a pawn shop, but no games. :( He REALLY wants it, it was his fav. system growing up.


I LOVE me some video games, but I have not played my Dot Hack for PS2 since I was preggo with son. It is a four disc game I spent hours & months playing that damn game so hubby would buy me the last disc, but then I stopped playing the 3rd disc half way thru.

We have all the old systems too... sega, nintendo, super nintendo, sega saturn, PS1, gameboy, gameboy advanced, gameboy SP, and then we got the kids game

I just wish I could find the time without someone bothering or gumption to play my game... but oh well one day I will get to finish playing it.


we only have sega saturn so hubby can shoot things



I think Sega Saturn is at my in-laws house. But it looks like
Joonie has one!