Stress test... too sick | Arthritis Information


Okay, here is what I went thru yesterday.
I woke up with a migraine, couldn't have my coffee or my excedrin, then I drove down the mountain to the doctors office, in excruciating pain.  Got there, and there were about 12 other people in the waiting room, and most of them had IV's in their arms.   I was shaking with pain and crying because it hurt so badly and my legs, joints muscles were in major pain that I could hardly walk.  I thought the RA was giving me a bad flare, and the stress of all this added to it. 
They took me back to the doctors office and he gave me a pill for the migraine (prova)...  a few minutes later, I vomited it and everything else I had out of me..  The doc gave me another prova pill and told me to relax.  I knew then that I wouldn't be able to take the damn stress test so I ran out of there, told them I had to leave.
I went to my car, laid down in the back seat for about 45 minutes.  I was still in so much pain and decided to drive back up the mountain.  I know I shouldn't have, but I just wanted to get home.
I got home and slept for hours.  The doctors office called this morning and I said I was sorry I couldn't have the stress test and they said that they weren't going to give it to me in my condition and to call back to reschedule it.
I think it may be a touch of the flu, or the RA is just acting up again.
Today I am very weak, no headache, but tired.
So... that was my stressful day

Oh hunny I'm so sorry you are not well and having a rough time. 

Feel better soon!

Thanks gramma... think I'll find a skittle to suck on Wow I thought that said "stikkle" and I was confused.... Gar. Vicki! Quit being sick :( I don't like worrying about you. LoL Rest, relax, and try again another day!   I am sorry you had such a rough day.  Sometimes, many times, doctor's appts or more of a pain than the help they give.  I am glad you napped before you went up the hill.  I get migraines.  They are horrible.  I am an Excedrin fan too.  Tylenol does absolutely nothing for me.  Hope you get to feeling better soon. Maybe you should tell the
docs that they need some rooms in their office for sleeping. You
could spend the night before, then get the stress test as soon
as you wake up. At least you wouldn't have to go too long
without your coffee!! Great idea Sara!!  But from the looks of the office, they don't even have enough rooms for everyone..  They were lined up with the IV's in their arms in the waiting room..... talk about stress!
Roxy.... I can't live without my excedrin, since I always wake up with a headache.  The doctor gave me this pill, called frova... I tell you, it works wonders for migraines and tension headaches.  I'll have to stock up on it aarg.......

I hate tests too. They never fix a GD thing.  They always find some more crap wrong with me. Then there is the money, and time off work, a total hassle!

I should go get my heart checked out too. My DH is nagging... being 52, RA for 30 yrs, obese, smoker, probably a good idea. Just the thought makes my head ache.
