green tea anyone? | Arthritis Information


Hey, has anyone heard of the benefits of drinking green tea for RA?  Its high in antioxidents.  I have researched it some, and from what ive seen it is known to be helpful with persons with RA.  Reduces inflamation and helps fight infections.  Well anyway, I cant drink enough of it to reap the benefits (I think they recomend 4 cups a day), but they now have green tea pills too.  Just wondering if anyone has tried it out and seen any benefits.  Also, I wanted to share this so if u are interested in this and dont know about it, you can research it.  I did not know of the specific benefits of for ra...but I know that teas in general have antioxidents....I have been on the weight loss path and I have drank 3 gallons of tea since saturday. I do drink hot green tea sometimes and herbals...but I like regular lipton iced tea, with either lemons, limes or oranges sliced and sqeezed in. It is good to keep hydrated, and I always feel a dramatic difference when I do. (which is usually not enough)I've been drinking green tea for about 2 months. I havent' noticed any huge change in pain. Has anyone had any weightloss due to it? I'm all for that. I only drinik about 2 cups a day of it though. I know i don't drink enough. I have always been more successful at loosing weight when I increase my fluid tea has a naturally occuring stimulant...and then regualar tea has those always give you a little boost too. I know some people run from caffiene...but I firmly believe that a little bit of most things are okay....and too much of anything can be harmful. So...I like a little caffeine each helps control my appetite to a small degree, but the increased fluids is reallly what helps shed the pounds.So you guys are drinking the hot tea version? Cause Lipton makes the cold bottled stuff, and Justin LOVES it and drinks cases of it. LoL Is it really that good for you?

Well I make iced tea...but I make it at home and use sweetner instead of sugar so I am not loading up on the sugars. With Justin, is he limited or restricted with sugar and caffeine because of his tummy troubles?

Eh, sort of. It's really up to him, I think. There's things he's "advised" to stay away from, just kind of in general. But some of them don't bother him. And then there are things that aren't on the list that tear him up. He's a weird one, but I love

Yep....I think that is the way with all of these little diseases...It just varies from person to person. Like the whole night shade theory and RA.  some RAers dont have really is just more about the person. If one thing worked for all, I guess we all would be cured by now huh? Damn mutations.


Night shade theory????Yep...veggies that are of the night tomatos and stuff...some people think that it makes their RA worse. It is just a theory..I mean some people may notice a difference, but what I have researched on it is that those people have aspecific issure with those veggies....and that in turn can bother their RA. It is not so much an RA thing.Whhhhaaaaaaaaaaatttttt for real? Hahahaha whatev. I've never heard that one!Oh yeah...I have to have tomatos...Im an Italian Coonass from Texas...they are a staple in my diet!

I've been trying to have a cup of green tea every day. And I've been adding some chopped fresh ginger to it. I love ginger - and that's supposed to be a good antiinflammatory also. Haven't done this for long enough or had enough to see any changes. But still, it's tasty and supposed to be good for you!

What does seem to be helping me is fish oil.Been able to cut back on NSAIDS quite a bit.




[QUOTE=crunchy]Oh yeah...I have to have tomatos...Im an Italian Coonass from Texas...they are a staple in my diet![/QUOTE]

My youngest daughter eats tomatoes like they are apples.

Every night before dinner I slice up tomatoes and layer them
with mozzarella and basil, and drizzle some balsamic
vinaigrette on them.. Yummy! But, I'm Irish!

That sounds good! I love balsamic vinager...and basil. My husband is Irish...but he doesnt know any Irish recipes. He does alot of country cooking...and BBQ...and boiled seafood. Although he does make a fantastic Potato soup...does that count as irish food?
