Eyeballs, yep, 2 of ’em | Arthritis Information


and they need the plugs! Good news is the blepharitis is gone!
But, my dry eye is apparently really severe, so I have to go back
next week and get the plugs. Those of you that have them, did it
hurt when they put them in? Did they numb up your eyes at all?
I'm not really a wuss, I just don't like people messing with my
eyes or mouth.Didn't hurt at all. You could feel a little pressure as they put them in. They feel a little funny at first. It took me about 30 min to an hour to start ignoring the feeling and the next day I had pretty much forgotten about them. It took several days before the tears built back up in my eyes.

The first time, it didn't hurt at all and I had no problems adjusting to them. I lost one, probably from scratching my eye because it was irritated. So, that one hurt a bit to put in. But it wasn't bad.

I could not stand it without mine. They help so much. I could put enough drops in before. Now, I forget all the time. Most wonderful, simplest invention. It really is just this tiny piece of plastic that is put in the duct. No one can ever tell. It seems perfectly normal.

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