My hat’s off to my RD | Arthritis Information


Ya know sometimes you make a friend that you never really thought would ever be your friend and that is what happened to me. Many years, all in all since 1991, I have battled this disease called RA and all the other diseases I acquired along the way because of RA, and there was always one guy that stuck by my side through the thick and thin of it all.

It seems as though he gave me a hard time and I gave him a hard time then things got really ugly and we were both mad and things were said.....luckily that was several years ago. He was there when I filed for divorce and moved a few times and then when I broke off a relaitonship with a man I was gonna marry but then that guy turned mean and a bit brutal. HE was there, to listen and say he was sorry to hear it.

Then a year ago my daughter was raped and I was devasted and could barely keep my wits about me and I had asked him how a father could turn his cheek on his daughter, again this man sat there acknowledging my pain of RA and my emotional anguish concerning my daughter. I looked my RD in the eye and said, ya know what, someday he will pay for it cause a man should be there to protect his child. He agreed.

Well folks let me tell you karma has a way of working for those who are patient in pain and live a straight and narrow life no matter how boring you may be. And it didn;t even take a lifetime and it was during my lifetime.

Turns out my x hubby quit his job where he was manager and is now working part tiime at a toy store. Yeah, my daughter misses out on the child support but there are laws and attorneys that take care of that mess.....the thing  is, he has gone way down the ladder of success.

Sometimes I wonder if I don't have a guardian angel that works overtime for me. Not that I want my daughter to do without, but that now my x realizes, you just do not mess with your kids, you bring them in this world, you take care of them and they remain priority, no matter what.

Just wanted to pay a tribute to my RD. HE gave me hope when I was hopeless. HE told me it will be ok. At the time it meant absolutely not much as I drove all the way home in pain and desperate for an answer concerning "the why" of everything "why me? I never , ever intended my life to be so screwed up.... I was mostly in tears with a broken heart.

This RA is awful, even on the good bone days it can be horrific, and it makes such a difference when you have an RD that genuinely cares.

Many thanks to you sir......HATS the greatest RD ever.

( you by chance have any samples?????and why is it you can never call me by my name, I am not married anymore......) *smirky grin*



Theres not too many doctors like that. And I'm sure its all because he can see how special you are.

What a nice doc story.  We hear too often about those of us that have had just really bad docs.  I am one of the fortunate ones also with a good PCP and a good rheumy. 

I wish all of us could have great docs too.  It would make this so much easier. 

Lucky you!!!! Can you send him my way????

I feel that way about my OB....she's amazing. Now I just need a PCP and a RD whom I feel the same about. So far...I don't know. *sigh*

Good for you though!!!!
Physicians have so much more influence in the lives of their patients than most of them realize...most are mediocre and no one gives them a second thought...the bad ones hurt us long after we are forgotten by the doctor....and the good ones..well, they are our salvation and in their minds eye...they are just doing their job. A great doctor becomes a friend...someone we can always count on...and great doctors deserve our appretiation....'cause great ones are hard to come by.I had an awesome RD before she took off for her kids. I was 14 weeks
pregnant when my then husband had an affair. My RD was wonderful. I
had an appintment two days later. She let me cry in her own office after
my appointment. When I had my son she came to the hospital and visited
and called me weekly at home to see how things were going. She helped
me get though an impossible time.

My new RD was her colleague and is also wonderful. I just haven't had to
"test" him yet with any crises.
