MTX and the flu shot | Arthritis Information


I saw the RD yesterday.  He suggested that I get the flu shot...said that it was recommended for those on MTX.

I have only had the flu once in my life.  I have never gotten a flu shot...never felt the need.  I rarely get sick in the winter even after being around those with colds.

Do other people on MTX (and other immunosuppressors) get the flu shot?  What are the pros and cons?

I have this penchant for analyzing everything to death before I do it.




I get the flu shot every year. But this year I got RA and when I got on Methotrexate, I thought I better skip it.

Then the Doc said No way, I really need it. I went ahead and got the shot and had no reactions at all. I thought for sure I would get sick.

I admit, since I got RA I have no idea whats right or wrong. I am always questioning everything too. Going over everything. Still wondering why I ever got this disease in the first place.


My RD gave me the flu shot in the office on my last visit.  He asked me if I had one yet and when I said no, he said you are getting one now. 

If you go to a clinic, just make sure they are NOT using live vaccine. 

I had no reaction to my shot at all.  Just the normal tenderness from being poked with a needle. 

I've had RA for more than 12 years and been on MTX for about 4 now. I've never gotten one in the past and never gotten the flu.

I did however get the flu shot this year. I was in my OB's office and she went ahead and gave it to me. Figured it was a good idea.

I already knew one person this year who's had the flu and I'm far too busy to have that problem.

It certainly won't hurt to get it.....I'd go ahead. Just don't get the nose spray one. Get the shot.

I started taking the flu shot last yr and am on MTX.  I can't imagine having the flu with everything else!In my life I've had three flu shots and got the flu each time. The experiences were definitely not pleasant and was hospitalized.  Coincidence, I don't know.  My rheumy wants me to have the shot but it's not going to happen!

Still haven't figured out how a "dead virus" will cause your body to build up antibodies. If it's dead it isn't a threat so why would your body build up antibodies? Anybody have an answer for this?


 Hi Patti,

 I was diagnosed with ra in Aug. and had my first flu shot this year and I also take MTX. Don't know a whole lot about the pro's and con's just that my dr. says MTX suppresses the immune system and makes us much more succeptible to the flu and every other virus as well. I didn't have any reaction to the shot at all, hopefully it works and I don't get the flu, I can't imagine having that on top of ra.



I have always received the flu shot, even before my dx.  I wouldn't go thru a year without it, but I work in health care and am exposed to lots of germs. 
That's my 2 cents Lori

I used to get the flu shot, until my husband got extremely sick after his flu shot a couple of years ago.  We no longer get the shot and have never had the flu anyway. 

I figure if everyone else continues to get the shot, then there will be less ppl getting the flu and less of a chance of getting it passed on to me

My daughter has sinsus infection I hope I don't get that.

I also don't know what I can take and not take. Some one told me not to take ibuprofen.

You can't take ibuprofen or any NSAIDS when on mtx.  MTX, the ibuprofen, and NSAIDS all cause stomach issues, bleeding, bruising, and are hard on the liver.  So they want you to stay away from the ibuprofen and nsaids while on the mtx.  You can take up to 4 grams of tylenol a day if you need to. 

Hand washing, sanitizing wipes, hand sanitizer, and lysol are going to be your best defense against getting any germies this cold and flu season. 
