ROXY - what happened with the tests? | Arthritis Information


Back in September a doctor you went to did all kinds of Lyme tests and they were sent to Igenex labs.

What ever happened?  I don't remember the outcome of the tests.  Do you have Lymes? 



I assume they came back negative as they went to my regular gp.  She is on top of everything.  She would have called.  It was a long shot but I was sure hoping to have anything but RA and fibro.  The last few days have been the worse ever.  Life is at a standstill, just waiting for the pain to subside.  I so miss being busy

I feel for you. I also use to exercise alot. Walked several miles a day for years, now until my heel pain goes away I can't walk any distance at all. It's so frustrating. I just have to keep hoping that it will get better with my meds. Hang in there

You need to be sure this isn't Lymes; you were so convinced it was and if it is the RA drugs will make it worse!!

I just don't want to see you end up like my friends son.  His lymes went undiagnosed for years.  Now he's had 3 years of antibiotics put into him through a pic line in his chest.  While he is some better - he will never be normal.

Miles,  I love Kahlil Gibran.  That is a good quote.   I could not keep going if I lost hope that I am going to get better.  Exercise is how I dealt with everything.  I am so glad I have these big windows to look at the trees.  There is a hike I have already planned once this flare is over.  Yes, better meds.  I am going to a teaching hospital and play guinea pig.  I always hated doctors and now they are the only people I visit