RA CAUSE broken bones???? | Arthritis Information


My feet have been swollen but they have not been as bad as knees, hips and shoulders.  This morning I woke up with a bump on the top of my right foot that just throbs.  I have had broken bones and this reminds me of it.  When you feel it, it is like a bony protrusion.  Do you think RA inflamation could actually break bones?Roxy, I actually replied to you on the other thread. I have the *exact* same thing.I think it changes the way you move. Your gait, the way you lift stuff and
so on. That can cause stress on your bones and joints. You are moving
at angles that your body was not designed to do. This can cause bone

BeckySo do you think that the lumps that Roxy and I have are bone damage??????Katie,  WHERE DID YOU ANSWER ME??????????? Half the threads are me complaining No clue...

I would get it looked at. Limping cause of one pain puts your weight on
another joint. Then this joint flares and so on.

I hope that you guys both feel better. Nothing like sore feet. Can't even
put on shoes!


LMAO Roxy. Ummmm I dunno, the other one that you JUST posted saying that your feet hurt. I think it was something about waste of time...I THINK. Grr.

Becky - I've had this lump forever and a day now. When I don't hurt it's there. And I poke it. LOL I don't ever recall anyone saying anything about it, but I may not have had it during my last foot x-ray. I want to say the last time my doc looked at my feet/ankles was probably when I was 12 or so. That's a rough guess.

RA has already caused deformities in my feet Well girl, we can hang out in the same boat on this one. Justin says it looks "gross" And when mine doesn't hurt, I can actually kinda move it. Only a little though. But it's hard as a rock, like bone. And when it aches, it ACHES. I want to chop it off. Could it be a large bone spur?  Those can be shaved off.  Next time you are at the doc mention it and get it xrayed.  No matter if you think they can do anything about it.  Just for your peace of mind so you know what is going on.
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