sausage fingers | Arthritis Information


I've been given a possible daignosis of Psoriatic Arthritis. Two of the key points in coming to this diagnosis was the skin rashes behind my ears, at hairline. And the swelling / reddness in my finger joints of my left hand.

At the time the rheumy saw me 2 months ago, the middle finger joint of my middle finger on my left hand was swollen, and one of the knuckles in that hand was noticeably red and tender to the touch. Since then 2 other middle joints of other fingers have swollne, one other knuckle gone red, and now one knuckle in my right hand is starting to go red and feel tender.

All the descriptions of sausage fingers, and pics show the whole finger to be swollne up like a sausage. But in my case only the joint is swollen and the rest of the finger is pretty skinny and boney.


Can this still be considered sausage fingers ???


Any info input appreciated

Well, there are many forms of PA, not all have sausage fingers and toes and it can be totally asymmetric. One of the most important things is that there is some swelling that is clearly an inflammation around your joint and that it re-curs. When I was first diagnosed I hadn't had sausage fingers or toes but they did swell and were painful. Now I know that they just don't swell that much and I get more swelling around the larger joints (main knuckles) than the smaller. I think many people believe that if you don't get the sausage thing it's not PA but that isn't true, I call my fingers and toes chippolata's because they don't go really fat, just swell a little! There are many other factors that lead to a diagnosis of PA including blood changes (or lack of them) and the pattern of which joints are and aren't affected. I hope you get some answers soon - whether they're sausage-like or not swollen fingers are a nightmare...

Good luck!


kt- will the swelling of the fingers go away if you are treating with methotrexate . or is it like one they start sweeling you have it for ever? i notice mine swell in the morning, as the day goes on the swelling goes down. and they are tight, mine is like the whole finger swells accept the tip.


Yes the swelling does go when you get the right treatment. I found that mtx on it's own wasn't working so I take a low dose (7.5mg) and I have infusions of infliximab (remicade), my fingers now only swell in the last 2 weeks of the 8 week cycle of infliximab when it is running low in my body. SOmetimes the swelling goes off a bit during the day. I am due an infusion a week tomorrow and boy do I need it! my hands are still stiff and swollen now, not too painful as i have had anti-inflammatories and painkillers but they're not behaving adn keep typing wrong letters! They won't straighten out (witch-like)but I knwo they will be better after my infusion. I find heat helps, keep making cups of tea and hold it in both hands to soothe them! I sit in the evening with 2 hot water bottles, 1 under and 1 over my feet, a warm cup of tea in my hands and a heat pack on my back. Not very attractive but it helps to ease the pain and stiffness that builds up during the day and helps me to relax and eventually get to sleep!

Good luck!


Some of us still keep the sausage fingers, somewhat, I am one of them.  I still have to wear my wedding band on my pinky, hubby offered to buy me a new wedding band I told him no, I like the one I have and I am not going to have it resized and ruin it. My sore spot is is at the base of my thumbs and the palm of my hands the pa has affected the muscle tissue there.  When I was first diagnosed the balls of my hands made me look like I was caring a ball in each hand.  Like my fahter weather affects my hands, for some relief while you are out and about go to a sporting goods department and buy some"hot hands," they are activated when you open the packet and just keep it in your pocket, when you need it just carry it in your hand and it will help by giving off warmth for up to 8 hrs.  You have to shake it occasionally to keep it activated.  another trick you can use at home is take uncooked rice and place in microwave bowl and heat the rice in the microwave for a 30 sec increments until it is very warm but you can still handle it.  Then just take and sift your hands through the rice, hold it etc.  this is another technique to help your hands.  Ask the dr about thumb splints, I wear them on and off now, mostly at night they do help with the swelling and the pain, I also use lidoderm patches on my hands twelve hrs on twelve hrs off.  They can be cut down to fit a spot on your hand that needs direct relief.  The two hardest parts for me with pa is when my hands are flaring and the damn skin rashes.  The meds have helped tremendously and I am doing real well with it, but the skin is not cooperating with it though I guess we can't win them all.  Tim you don't have to have psoriasis to have pa, and just a couple fingers affected with the sausage finger syndrome is not unusual, if your dr is aggresive he or she may start you on meds right away and this may slow down the progress of pa for you. NB it doesn't mean you are going to have the sausage fingers always, you have to wait and see how the meds do,don't be dicouraged, Kt I hope you are doing better today and ask the dr about some splints they may help even if you just wear them to bed.  meme

Thanks !
