Cataract Surgery | Arthritis Information


A cataract is not a "film" over the eye, and neither diet nor lasers will make it go away. The best way to treat a cataract is to remove the old, clouded lens and provide a replacement, with the help of a cataract surgery. Great advances have been made in the procedure of cataract surgery. Millions of people undergo this vision-improving procedure every year. And, they experience excellent results.

For patients, it's a simple operation. A tiny incision is made in the eye. Through this incision, the surgeon inserts an instrument, about the size of a pen tip. The surgeon may select to use a device, which uses gentle pulses of liquid to wash away your cloudy lens, or an ultrasonic instrument that breaks up and gently removes your cataract affected cloudy lens.

Once the clouded lens has been removed, the next step is to replace it. That is, to implant an artificial lens that will do the work of your own lens. This artificial lens is referred to as an intraocular lens or IOL. Once this is replaced, it becomes a permanent fixture in the eye and helps improving vision, after the cataract surgery has been performed.


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