Forget Thanksgiving! Com’on Friday!! | Arthritis Information


Every year since I have been married, 8 LOOOOONG years. Mother-in-law & I hit the day after Thanksgiving sales. I even went the year I could not even walk and had to have hubby roll me over in the bed. Grant it, I went only because hubby went with us and helped me around and all, and we only done Freak-Mart that year.

So... how many of you are suiting up for the Freak-Mart specials this Friday?!

We usually go for a couple of things and then the rest is just entertainment. Some good fights

She did not think I was going Friday because of my elbow... PSST! Has she lost her ever loving mind?! Yeah... she probably has with all the school she is cramming in this semester.


Nope, on-line shopping for me.  I've already been hitting LL Bean, ebay, and others trying to spread the cost over a few paychecks.  I can shop at my leisure, read reviews of products, find the best price all in my livingroom. 

Joonie, my husband and I used to do the 4am shopping sprees on Black Friday a few years ago before it got so hard, so I can certainly understand how you and your MIL enjoy it.  Have fun, but please don't ride any escalators!

Freak-Mart is too damn cheap to put moving sidewalks in their stores!  Boy, that would make shopping easier LOL  Until.... I had to step off LMAO!!!


Well, have to say I admire your ambition Joonie! As for me, I hate the long lines, I get irritated pretty fast nowadays

Freak-Mart = Wal-Mart

I call it Freak-Mart for 1 of 2 reasons depending on the day.

1 - It turns to Freak-Mart when I enter it, because I use to get those "freak" stares, you know the ones. Because a 26 year old is not to have a RA shuffle and be barely able to walk and face be beet red from the pain, exhustion from getting to the car parked close to the door and to the very first set of benches to sit down at. Yeah... I might be the only one on this board that LOVES Wal-Mart that much... LOL  Just kidding... I went because hubby would ask me to go and he told me to look at it like exercise.... ummm yeah... who needs exercise when you cannot even roll over in the bed without help?! But I went. I use to know where every bench in the place was. Grant it I spent most of my time on the benches rocking back and forth, moaning from pain, frustration and crying because of the pain, frustration, and just knowing that once I sat down I was stuck on that bench until hubby got done and came and found me to help me up.

2 - Because on my good days I see the "freaks"... you know the ones... the guy dressed all in black with a chain running from his wallet from his right back pocket to his nose, to his ear and then to God knows where.



I HATE SHOPPING - unless it is junk stores or antique stores - that is treasure hunting

Shoppers have fun, grap the good stuff, and  be kind to all the gimps. 

my last post to make me have 300 total today.


In my part of the country we refer to K-Mart as KameApart.
Also, WalMart is referred to as WallyWorld.

Have never enjoyed shopping during the holiday season and for the past several years have taken care of most of the shopping on-line. Like the benefits of shopping on-line, such as: shopping at my leisure, being able to compare prices without running helter skelter from store-to-store/mall-to-mall, the cost of shipping is less than gas, oil, etc. on my vehicle, don't have to put up with rude shoppers, and the list goes on and on and on. 

To all you shoppers enjoying the hassle of Black Friday: Good Luck, Have Fun and Take Care.




I used to work at wally-world. I worked on Black Friday.

IT WAS THE FUNNIEST DAY EVER. I got stuck standing on an empty pallet (because its against walmart policy to have an empty pallet on the floor, for fear that someone will trip over it and sue them)....I GOT STUCK THERE FOR 2 HOURS SOLID. Hahahahaha And right before the countdown to 6am, I was in charge of blocking one of the special items - in the effing toy department. I RAN away when they hit 6am and there were women SLAPPING EACH OTHER to get fricking Bionicles. It was so funny, I couldn't help but laugh. One lady even busted another one's glasses. Women are mean...

Awww... that sounded like FUN!! I would LOVE to work at Freak-Mart on Black Friday... I believe I would enjoy it


lol yea i could see joonie working at freak mart on black friday....LMAO her and her cast All she has to do is put up her arm and block everyone else from what she wants. 

The next time I come in here, I am crushing skulls - breakfast club principle... Mr. Skull-Crusher??



OMG I LOVE breakfast club!!!! YAY!

Can ya hear it?

Would you like me to turn it UP?

I LOVE me some 80's movies!!!

Pretty in Pink, 16 Candles, Wierd Science...


I'll be at freak-mart, too.  Along with all the other freaks!!!  This a tradition for me and my sister-in-law and I look forward to it!  I have wed and thurs off from school (I'm going to get my BSN) and it's going to be nice to have some down time and time to just have fun! 

I don't know if ya'll know about this but there is a warming blanket at freak-mart and it is like an aphgan, but it is a little electric blanket!!!  I love mine!  Warmth makes my joints feel better, ya'll need to look at it!!  Maybe I'll see ya there!!   Hope everyone's doing well!


I will be sleeping in.......can't stand the crowds. I go shopping at the last minute after my hubbie gets his Christmas bonus....usually a week before the holiday.

I went one time on Friday. Never again. Why do they call it black Friday?  Anyone care to explain?



I believe it is called Black Friday because it puts the retailers "in the black" (as opposed to be in the red). Should be "Green Friday"..........