headache/nausea from orencia? | Arthritis Information


Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this! I have the WORST headache and always feel somewhat sick since I started orencia. So far I've had two treatments. My doc says he's never had patients complain of this, but it seems an awful big coincidence that it started after the first treatment and got worse after the second. Hmmm. He wants me to still do the third treatment a week from today, but I'm scared what will happen if it gets worse! I can already hardly function w/ this headache, and it wakes me up during the night. I saw my PCP today who scheduled a CT scan to make sure nothing is going on and gave me pain meds for the meantime, but that certainly isn't the answer! Any info would be great!! THanks!

I took this from the orencia site:

'Important Information to know about side effects
Like all medicines that affect your immune system, ORENCIA can cause serious side effects, which can include serious infections, allergic reactions, and malignancies. The more common side effects with ORENCIA are headache, upper respiratory infection, sore throat, and nausea.'
All medicines have some side effects - lots of times if you can just tough it out they go away.

Ask your RA doc if benedryl taken with orencia would get rid of the headache. That is what I take with remicade for exactly the same reason - headache. It works - no more headaches for me.

I have been on Orencia for about 7 months.  I get a headache and nausea along with muscle soreness and tightness. It last about 2 to 3 day every two weeks.  I guess I should be glad it isn't all the time.  I never got headaches before starting the Orencia.

Nch0202, headache is suffering and if you also have cough (yellow phlegm) or respiratory infections, worse! Fever, bloated stomache, feeling cold etc..

I address the problem with herbs and natural food approach

1. Ginger and pears juices with honey;

2. Wild Lingzhi & fruits juices; and other methods.

Be independant never imprisoned by meds and disease


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