Think this is true? | Arthritis Information


I truly think that we teach people how to treat us.  Think about it!  If we let them get away with treating us badly, then they have learned that it is okay, etc.  Of course this is something that we have learned along the way too.  So let's break the chain and start treating ourselves. 
Absolutely!  Let's also treat others the way we want to be treated so they can learn by our examples!

I work with a non-profit group who have developed courses for people incarcerated and one of the courses is called "Tools for Positive
Relationship".  With this course we arranged and produced a CD and one of the song is "Let me show you how to love me, by the way I'm loving you".

This course has been extremly successful in helping people learn how to treat family, friends, co-workers and others.  We have learned that when we see a former convict learn how to treat others properly their anger, hate, violence, drug abuse, alcoholism etc. greatly drops and we accomplish this by treating them in a manner that we would like to be treated.

Bonny, that sounds like an excellent course. 

The more I learn about the incredible people who make up this forum, the more I like to hang out here.  We have nurses, writers, cooks, volunteers, athletic-types, hospitality folks, stay-at-home moms (with the hardest job of all, especially with RA!) and at least one fiesty ranger. :)   And I know I've missed a whole bunch!!!

I do fundraising with a mental health organization, and reducing the stigma associated with mental health illness really means reminding people that we all just want to be treated with respect and humanity.
Joy39042.8132986111I agree that is exactly true....treat people how you want to be treated, and only let people treat you how you want to be treated.  Makes perfect sense.Bonny, what you are doing sounds very positive and the fact that it is working must be very rewarding. Do you have a program that might teach the terrorists how to love Americans?  Now, wouldn't that be nice!
And Joy, I agree with you.  This is wonderful group of people.  I have left Google behind and I just ask my questions here.  Whatever you think that you might have, someone here already has it and knows firsthand what to do.  Now, that makes one feel loved!!