mtx injections side affects | Arthritis Information


I took my first shot yesterday. I woke up last night with a bad headache, Muscle pain just like I had the flu and heartburn. My eye sight is no good. Is this the side affect of mtx.( OMG )I hope not I am very chilled. And very tired . Does your body get used of it or not. I also take nexium for heartburm for years and had no problem until last night. I now can walk but before friday I could not even get off a chair or bed.
I hope this gets beters soon I can barley stand it any more. I am sure you all feel that way to. I check the boards every day it see what is up. If I am feeling okay to do so. I hope I feel better by tommorow. I go back to work. Yep on turkey day. Well thats the way it goes when you work in a nursing home or hostipal. I am so proud that i give my own shot of mtx. I did one mistake but it was not a bad one. So they said I didn't have to come back to get trained. I did well on my first try. So any of you that have to get shots don't be afraid. It's easy as pie I to was scared to death because I don't like needles at all but I guess you know it has to be done to make you feel better . You all have a good day.good Morning Angel,

I am on MTX but not the shots. Lots of people get headaches on either one. The pills or the shot.

I know this is weird but I havent had a headache since my hysterectomy 10 years ago.

I'm sure someone will come along and answer your question.
Sorry your feeling so bad this morning.

What you are experiencing are side effects from the mtx.  What is your dosage level for the mtx?  And what do you mean that your eyesight is no good?  Is it blurry from the headache?  When did you have the cortisone injections in your knees?  That can also cause some of your side effects. 

I just switched from the pill form of mtx to the injectable and have only done one shot at a very low dose.  I was very tired the next day but otherwise no other problems.  Tomorrow I increase my dosage.  On the advice from others on the board, they have said it is best to do your shot on a day that you know you can rest the next day in case there are side effects from it.  Also, eat soda crackers and really hydrate yourself.  Doc gave me some samples of Prevacid that worked really well for heartburn.  Something about the way it coats the stomach.  MTX is a chemotherapy drug and we may experience some of the side effects from it.  It works really well for me so I am going to muddle thru the side effects with any preventative steps I can take. 

I am glad that getting the fluid off your knees and cortisone injections worked well for you.  I have been thru that several times also.  The shots are easy as pie to do.  I do mine into the muscle of my leg and it is just like holding and throwing a dart.  The needle is long to reach into the muscle tissue, but small in diameter and that is what counts.  I didn't even feel my first one.  And the mtx doesn't have that nasty burn factor like humira does. 

So sorry you have to work on Thanksgiving.  I hope you are feeling better.  I know you can bring some cheer to those on Thanksgiving in the nursing home that have no family. 

I don't really get a headche from it but I get really dizzy, like the room spins about 2 hours after the shot.  And, yes, tired for about 2 days, lots of naps.  I work m-f and do my shot Friday night before bed.  By Monday, I seem ok!I was wondering if I can change the day for my shots? I hd it yesterday and feel not so good today. I am on 0.3 what ever that means on the shot neddle. I will look and see what it says. Methotrexate 25mg/ML-2ML. Now if there is a nurse on here she would know I guess or if any of you know. Will my body adjust to it or will I always be sick after taking it. I hope mot. it feels like I have a bad sisus headache and a little dizzy. Yes I meant when I got up my vision was very blurry even with my glasses on. I am also going down on my predisone. So I can get off it. Because I am having alot of pain in my stomach.

I think that dose is 7.5mg or 8mg Angel.  The symptoms you explain sound like side effects to me, fuzzy vision, headaches, nausea and diarrhoea (only for one day tho)



Are you taking Folic Acid?  If not, you should be.  Please call your RD if you aren't and get some.  It helps tremendously with the side effects of MTX.

I am taking folic acid. I just woke up again. I hope this will not be like this all the time. I really had a bad day with the side affects and I took the injection at 3:00pm yesterday. But every time I woke up I drink some water.

Yes, you can change the day of your shot.  I am changing mine so that the day I need to rest is a weekday and not the weekend when my family is home and we can go do things together. 

You may need an increase in folic acid.  Are you only taking 1mg?  I take 2mg and it helps a lot. 

Hopefully your body will adjust.  Unfortunately with mtx being a chemo drug we may experience side effects from it that won't go away.  But I get so much relief from it that I will muddle thru the side effects and prevent them as much as I can.
