Sore Feet, Legs and Hips | Arthritis Information


This is my first time here.  I hope to hear from someone who shares my pain.  It started in my feet, at the base of my toes.  This has gone on for about 8 years, and NO Dr. can put his finger on it, as to what it is.  My feet HURT!  They feel numb, tingle, ache, go into contortions.  I now have pain in my calves, and thighs and hips.  I'm wondering if there is any connection.  Does anyone out there have a similar situation?  Or have any suggestions/ideas as to who I could see?

I have been checked for diabetes, and that has been ruled out.  That was my first thought, especially with it being my feet.

Thank you for your help.




Just found your post and everything started in my feet as well about 2 yrs ago with the same symptoms.  I was diagnosed with Fibro 6 months later and then RA 3 months after that.

Have you been tested for Peripheral Neuropathy or Fibro?  A neurologist said that his "machine" did not show any PN but if you run a broken toothpick along the bottom of my feet I cannot feel it in many areas.

Take care,

It sounds like nerve damage; but you say the Dr.s find no related cause? Hmm.  I know that when I walk, which I force myself to do [and the guilty stare from my Jack Russell Stella] by the time I get home, hands and feet are totally numb. The pain in my legs and hips are shooting up my back and the heels of my feet feel like I'm being stabbed with a knife, hands puffed and aching. Any of that sound familiar?   

Have you had blood tests for all the Arthritis' I think there are a 100 forms of Arthritis so it make a diagnosis tough sometimes.  I'm sorry that you are suffering, and I hope that you get some answers here.

I have Ra, Lupus, Fibro etc. etc.  

Hi Leenda Lu,

It took me 8 years to finally get diagnosed with RA, Sjogrens, OA and fibro. Arthritic conditions often overlap so it's important to get checked out by a rheumatologist who may in turn send you to a neurologist. I have the same kind of general pain and numbness in my hips, legs, feet and also in my hands, back, shoulders and jaw. If you have RA the stakes are high, so you want to get diagnosed as soon as you can. The right medications can make all the difference. I'm now doing much better than I was 3 1/2 years ago when I was finally diagnosed. Good luck. 

Hi this is JoAnn arthritis is evasive and hard to find my doc. told me it hides and sometime takes years to find it,it took 6 months to find mine.