ode to middle agers, sorta | Arthritis Information


WEll I have learned that during this wonderful middle age part I am taking care of a teenager and an elderly mother. Need I say more. Haldol comes to mind and sounds pretty good at this point. ( Haldol is the drug  given to those individuals hospitalized in a mental and emotional crisis).

It was 4 A/M this time when my daughter woke me up stating that gma was really ill, I didn't hear her and my daughter was up. After calling my sis ( the reason why we live in Michigan so we can take care of mother) I called 911, the ambulance came immediately and off to the the ER we went....again ( I am getting to know the staff in there well) My daughter took care of the dog ect. here at home.

Turns out she had a bad case of constipation which was making her feel like she wanted to vomit, it was severe and dangerous. We also learned she has an enlarged heart.

WEll I simply told the ER Dr. I could no longer do this and did he have any suggestions, yes a nursing home. WEll I talked with my sis and bro-in-law and we are going to touph it out for a bit and get mother the medical attention she needs and see how bad she is, then go from there.

Meanwhile I am running my daughter back and forth to school and work ( she works afternoons and 3rds.....and I have not had the time nor energy to look for her a car.

My father died 18 1/2 years ago so she is one of the only living relatives we have.I do have a great aunt in North Carolina in an Alzsheimers facility , she is 102 I think or at least will be. It would be easier if my mother would cooperate more with the Physicians and my sis and I , but she will not and so it goes.

I guess this is just a part of life that we don't really think about till it happens. I wonder if there is a support site for individuals dealing with the same issues.

Needless to say my RA and fibro are totally out of wack and I am in deep pain and run out of energy so quickly these days and I cannot seem to get rid of this cold. I guess it is time to go to my PCP to knock this cold out.

It gets better right???????????????


OH, BTW, I did see on the news or some show on tv that they have moved "middle Age" to 60 now rather than 40 because people are living longer. I don;t know if that is a good thing or a bad thing! lol
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