Our new Abby Dog | Arthritis Information


We just love her.  She is so fun.  All feminity.  She is a little princess where my Tyler is all macho.  She has a big time crush on him.  Today I took them to the park and Abby got to run free the first time in her life.  It was great to watch them.  They ran side by side playing with each other.  We are all loving Abby, she minds so well.  We do have to be careful because Tyler gets mad if he thinks he is not getting the most attention

Still recuperating from flare from hell but I vacuumed today scooting a chair around the house

I am selling my car and taking out my retirement

Kelsey brings me coffee and a painpill every morning.  It really helps to start my day.  I wish I would hear from disability.  I see so many jobs I am qualified for that make good money - it makes me so upset.  My brother said I am not allowed to look at the classifieds anymore.  I was offered a job right over the phone from my resume.  My family has convinced to just STOP.  If I would have got that tutor position - I would have lost it with this last flare. 

I have to write a resignation letter to get my retirement.  Emotionally very hard for me - I so loved my job.  Thanks to all of you that looked at my pics on MySpace.  I like people to see I am more than a victim of RA

So baby baby steps.  I took the dogs for walk.  THAT WAS GREAT

Brett has promised me he will take me to therapy pool everyday when he gets out.  It is almost a 30 minute drive.  Driving is still very painful.   I am losing my muscle tone and my skin is kind of yellow.  God, I hate RA.  I sure love you guys though and I wouldn't have you without RA

It was really sweet of your family to bring you Thanksgiving dinner.

Quit vacuuming. You are a crazy woman.

I'm sorry to hear that you are having to take these financial steps, but having this place right now does seem to be what is most important. It sure would help though if they would grace you with your disability. I know what mine means to me. I have my SS interview on Tuesday and I'm nervous about it.

I know it is hard to write that letter. I didn't even like my former job that much, but it was still hard for me. But the writing was on the wall. My boss knew it was coming. It's just this line you have to cross. It's actually very librating once it is done. Then you can look to future opportunities in your life.

Brett better treat you good when he comes home. I would hate to have my first trip up there to be to chew him out. I hope his treatment works and that his heart really is committed. You deserve the best.

HMMMM...now didnt I keep my promise???? I promised you that this was all gonna get better...and YAY!!!! it is! I am so happy to hear that everything is picking up, and even though you are having to make some hard choices...it is going to relieve so much stress once it is over and done with. It is good to hear that Brett is getting better and back to his "real" self. It is amazing what one month has done for his outlook...and yours. I totally understand the vacuming thing...sometimes I feel like even if it kills me I am gonna vacume the floor...I feel like I have made a major acheivment when I do something like that. Cool beans chickadee!!!!

PS-check out myspace, I added a slide show with some new pics..you have to accept my friend request again though..I deleted and re added you to try to get my pic up on your profile.

See....me, Crunchy, and Deanna all told you that things would work out and they are.  Keep going with this positive outlook on everything!  I know writing that letter is going to be hard, but I fully agree with Deanna that it will be liberating and you can make some other choices about your future without that hanging over your head. 

Baby steps!  Watch how much work you are doing!  But I can understand how proud of yourself you felt after you got done vacuuming.  Same feeling I get when I clean my kitchen lol.  I am totally retentive about my kitchen. 

SNOW!  I am green with jealousy.  Got this 4x4 and not a hint of snow here to go play in with it!!  Go figure!

I am glad that Abby and Tyler are working out well.  It sounds like it will be a beautiful friendship that will last a long time.

Damnit by the time I get the chance to reply to stuff everyone's already said the good crap. :| Thanks guys. LOL Roxy you goose, I'm glad Abby's working out well. You make me want a dog. Which I can't have. Grrr I'm just gonna move up there and borrow yours, kay? LoL Listen to everyone's advice...I'm not going to waste time repeating it, you already know the drill. 

Roxy, Abby sounds wonderful. Nothing like sweet fur energy to brighten our lives.

I'm glad things are looking up for you. And I understand about the vacuuming. You shouldn't be doing it. But there are worse things we can sneak around and do occasionally for our mental health!

My roomba's coming home soon from warranty replacement. I used to think he was a luxury. Now I think he's a luxury like having a clothes dryer is a luxury (and he's cheaper). I've vacuumed my crunchy carpet a couple of times while he's been gone, and it has been for my mental health even though it hurt. When roomba's home I can sit on the couch and watch him work. Now that's mental health!

Good luck with the disability process and the resignation letter. I can imagine how much grief there must be involved in saying that farewell to a career you adored. I'm so sorry for your loss of that. Take Abby out to the mailbox when you mail the letter. She'll know how to bring you back a piece of  joy in the present.

Have a great time with those hound dogs of yours Roxy.  Sounds like the fun is just about to start!  I'm glad Brett is feeling better and ready to be the partner you need.  What a great Christmas you are going to have! 

I know the resignation letter is tough to write, but don't think of it as resigning yourself to illness, but rather a declaration of independence!  Now you and your family come first and your time is yours.

Hillhoney - Still have not written THAT letter.  I will try to get it started today.  I like what you said "a declaration of independence".  I will try to get in that frame of mind. 

RK  My fur babies have been wonderful therapy.  BTW - if you ever need to trade in that roomba
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