Sheesh, whats wrong with me??? | Arthritis Information


Okay, so, I'm being a little sarcastic here. 
Yesterday afternoon I went to go to the bathroom, and when I was finished, I remember getting REALLY dizzy, so I walked into my closet planning on sitting down (my bathroom is tile...I'm TERRIFIED of tile after a few weeks ago!!!). Next thing I know my husband is SCREAMING at me and shaking me.

Not sure what happened....all we can figure is my blood sugar got low again, I was dehydrated, and I passed out. Hubby called 3 different Drs ASAP (my Rhuemy, my GP (whom I still need to find a new one...but thats a different story), and his uncle...).

Rhuemy (on-call) said stop Mobic IMMEDIATLY, and they would have my Dr's assistant call me on monday. Also, probably should go to ER and get bloodwork and IV.

GP (again, was about 5:30pm by the time DH found me and got on the phone) said "do not pass go, do not stop, go to ER ASAP".

Uncle Warren "Get her ON the couchm fill her with as much sugar, juice, and food as possible, take her temp, and call me back in 30 min with an update".

Since we don't know either of the on-call Docs, we listen to Uncle Warren (not to mention.....I trust him more than about anyone...he's VERY good at what he does. Is also on the board at the hospital downtown, etc. If I ever needed surgery, I'd make him do it...even if it wasn't his specialty. lol)

Temp was 96.1, I was shaky, deer in headlights (jsut like last time), and couldn't remember anything that had happened about 30min before I went to the bathroom. We don't think I had a seizure (but maybe so....the left side of my face was numb...I KNOW I hit my head...the left side is wicked sore), but def. passed out.

Within an hour I was better. Still woozy, but I downed 3 glasses of juice, about 16oz of water, and two cups of hot tea with a TON of sugar (hey, in the south...we like our tea sweet!!! lol)

All we can figure is it's the NSAIDs. I was on the Relafen for 4 days when I passed out last time, and it's been the same amount of time that I have been (or had been) taking the Mobic they gave me on Monday. At least FINALLY the Rhuemy's office believes that there MAY be a problem giving me NSAIDs. (DUH!!!) They did try to pass it off on the Pred weaning, but last time I passed out I hadn't started weaning off it!!!

I have some other side effects that I am noticing too....kinda icky (bathroom issues....OMG, ICK. Combine that with post-partum....sheesh...I won't go into it more than that though) I didn't notice a difference in pain level NOT taking it last night.

*sigh* My poor DH, he's afraid to go to sleep or leave the house now!!!!


Glad you're feeling better.

But have you SEEN a doc yet? All these phoned in opinions make me a little nervous.

Who am I to argue with Uncle Warren (wish I had an Uncle Warren), but I wish you had gone to the ER. What if you were having a stroke or other big event?

If your poor DH is nervous about leaving you, and you must be nervous too!, it sure sounds like a thorough in-person check-out is in order.

Take care and feel better.


I wish you would go to the ER. It might be something more than meds and blood sugar. We can also get something call neuropathy. It can cause sudden drops in blood pressure and dizziness, making you pass out. The fact the you are having bathroom problems also points to this.

You have to be examined. The phone calls do not cut it. You are playing a dangerous game in not being seen. I hope your DH puts his foot down and makes you go. It sounds like you need a full workup including some MRI or CT scan along with blood work.

Stop avoiding this. Please go to the ER. Please.

I have an appointment Monday afternoon......the problem with going to the ER last night was, we didn't want to take the kids, and we couldn't find anyone to watch them. I have to be careful with the baby, as he's HIGH risk for RSV and all that jazz courtesy of his NICU stay and the breathing tube he needed at birth. I really didn't want to drag him to the ER with us, and no way in heck was I going alone....I couldn't remember enough for that, KWIM???

I know though....shouldn't mess around with this type of stuff. Just stinks that is happens to be a holiday weekend and everyone's out of town. (Uncle Warren was on-call, or else he would have come up here to watch the kids....even though I don't think he even knows how to change a diaper.
I haven't had ANY dizziness today....just a killer headache. I think my MIL is coming to stay for the week. At least I hope she is. *crosses fingers*

My whole life, other than sport-related injuries I've been healthy....the past year....good lord. One thing after another. I'm so damn frustrated. I don't think my zoloft is helping much mental state is scaring ME a little. *sigh*

Thanks y'all for letting me vent and stuff here, I really appreciate it. I'll update you after I see the Dr on Monday. Not sure who I'm seeing, as I can't remember. *shakes head in frustration*

You should be in the ER getting that killer headache checked out. That, with your previous symptoms, could still mean something serious. Stroke, aneurysm. The point isn't to scare you, but yes, to scare you into not waiting till Monday.

I've seen these symptoms in family and friends who were in the midst of serious events. Waiting can be too late.

I get the thing about the kids, but look, if your husband was having killer chest pains, would you guys be hanging around waiting for a Monday doctor appointment?

You could load up the kids in the car, have hubby drive you to the ER, and walk in yourself while he goes back home to sit with the kids. Being alone wouldn't be fun, but you would be taking care of yourself and everyone else.

Just call 911. You need to be at the hospital. If you call 911, then your husband doesn't have to go. They can get all the info from him and the baby isn't exposed. You probably need a CAT scan with the dizziness and the headache. This isn't to play around with. I believe that you'd like to be around for your family.

Then your husband can figure out someone to come help with the kids. Please just call 911.



I assume you want to be around for your kids, otherwise  the bundling of them will be to visit you in the rehap hospital or your  graveside. dang it, GO get things checked out.

I agree with the whole ER thing.

I will pipe in and say...I was having a conversation about dizziness the other day with my mom and we did come across the idea that a lot of *my* random dizziness when I was in high school was from her making me take SO many ibus. She just to push them on me like candy. She was saying "oh that couldn't have been it, you stopped getting dizzy your senior year" To which I replied "yeah, I started hiding the pills, too" Soooooooo I dunno, but I wouldn't be surprised if the NSAIDs were playing a role in it. But def make a doctor figure that out. BTW - What's your dosage, and of what exactly?
