BORING!!! | Arthritis Information


So...... today I slept for 16 hours, would have slept longer if hubby would have just left me alone and not made me get up. Hubby sucks BIG hairy gorilla nutz.

Anyways... so now I have been trying to entertain myself all day, and well nothing very entertaining. Kids were not much entertainment today, as they were just fussy or whinny, which is not entertainment!

My dream I was having before hubby had the bright idea to wake me up, was very entertaining. about a journey back in time to a memory of you and your kids that makes you smile...

I have many fond memories of things my son and I did together.  One of the activities we looked forward to every winter was skiing.  He started skiing when he was about 7 years old. (Mom didn't like skiing so it was just the two of us.)  We left home about 5 am...he slept in the back of the van until we got to Angels Camp in the Sierra foothills.  A quick stop at Burger King for coffee and a visit to the bathroom and we were off again. The road climbed steadily after leaving Angels Camp and soon the trees and ground were covered with snow...a truly breathtaking sight once the mountain peaks were visible on the horizon.  Often we had to stop and put chains on the van before we reached the Bear Valley Ski Resort.  At the lodge we always started the day with a plate full of blueberry pancakes.  My son was always fearless on the ski slopes.  He pointed his skis straight down the mountain.  I zig zagged behind him, a hopelessy cowardly intermediate skier, trying to keep up.  On a few occasions he convinced me to take him on a black diamond trail.  I was always exhausted when reaching the bottom, desperately trying to control my speed.  At lunch we always had Grizzly burgers at the lodge.  At the end of the day it as a long 5 hr drive home in the dark, listening to Beatles tapes in the van.  We had a great time and drew very close, creating memories that I will never forget.


Oh hubby did give me a good laugh today with a memory from when daughter was sons age.

It was...

One time at band camp... oh sorry that no one has ever been to band camp

Ok here it is for real

He said "Remember that time when she use to use your pantyliners as 'back pads'?"

Yes, my daughter for some unknown reason would get my pantyliners and peel the paper off them and stick them to the small of her back.

One day we were in Freak-Mart and daughter moved a certain way and her shirt came up just a little and I caught a glimps of a pantyliner stuck to her back.

I wonder what she would have came up for tampons.... nose stoppers?!



Oh Joonie! LOL...did you see that movie Shes the Man??? aparently it has been done.

My son is 6...he is a little comedian. The other night we were wrapping Christmas gifts and he stuck a bow on his head and stuck  his hip out. Then in a high pitched voice he said "Look I'm a girl...I'm gonna go shopping!" "I'm gonna buy a coffe mug so I can make some coffee!" and then..."Cant a girl get some privacy??" He had me in tears I was laughing so hard. What a goof!

When my youngest daughter was about 3 (she will be 12 in January) we lived in a house that had a big picture window that faced the street.  There was a stop sign about 3 houses down from us and traffic would back up in front of the house.  I was folding laundry on my bed in my room at the back of the house (the bed was on a pedestal just the right folding height lol) and I kept hearing her say "Look at my butt see my butt".  I was like...uh oh....something is VERY wrong with this picture.  I walked into the living room and there is my very naked 3 year old standing on the bathroom step stool with her butt facing the traffic and she was shaking her groove thing yelling "Look at my butt see my butt!"

I have no clue where she got that from.  Nor do I think I want to know. 

my daughter is not as much of a goof as she use to be, more of the whiney, brat with attitude. Son he has his days when he is whiney or gets into things more, but he has yet to catch up to how goofy daughter was when she was his age. I guess son is going to be like hubby...

Hey! I want son to be a male cheerleader!! It is much SAFER than what hubby wants him to be... reciever or quaterback. I told hubby he would still be part of the football game. Hubby said no, no cheerleader unless he was dating one.

I then decided son can get into college being a male cheerleader and then become a male nurse and marry a female doctor

We have dubbed son the Electric Company, and his cousin that was born 6 days before him Water Works.



so not the Trauma

Trauma and Drama is what it is called Joonies.  I ahve teenagers....that is a regular thing in my house lol.