The Path; a painful journey | Arthritis Information


After two torturous years trying to understand and deal with my son's illness I learned I had RA.  The first year with RA was painful and combined with my son's illness seemed unbearable at times.  I wrote this poem in the middle of that struggle.  The path is in a park near our home where I walk every day with my dog Joey.  At night, in the moonlight the trees seemed haunted by my lost dreams and I would occassionally walk, shed tears, and wail against the unfairness of it all.  And yet, when I read it now there's still hope there; hope that has brought me to a much better place today.  If you read it, you will certainly see into my soul...hopefully it will connect with yours as well.

The Path

By Alan Duncan


The fog of breath on a cold winter’s dawn

Cast shadows on frosted rocks that spawn

Muffled fears that darken my heart,

Familiar tastes, bitter and tart.


Bare branches rattle on a brisk breeze

Light extinguished, the shadow flees,

Darkness subdued by a feeble light,

Glowing faintly, then bursting bright.


A song drifts by, riding the winds,

Whispering hope, a dream that bends

Despair into hot passion that flows

Into a luminous pool that glows.


I walk slowly and listen to angels sing,

A chorus of rapture, encircling ring

Of soul searching harmonies that light

The path that fills my sight.


Pondering thoughts, I stumbled on a rock

That scurried across the path to block

My journey, began with certainty I might

Encounter a sensual shriek of joy or fright.


The angels sang of immortality,

My soul surged with hope to free

The essence of a spirit bound to Earth

By rigid bonds conceived at birth.


Resulting in a solitary tear

That washed a streak through muddied fear,

Releasing squished dreams.  Oh to repent

Of hopelessness in darkened corners spent.


The path twisted snake-like to a black bend

That beckoned luridly to those who’ve sinned;

Stretching desperately I longed to see

What hid beyond the path’s bended knee.


Candles burned, flickering bright,

Shadows danced, reflecting light,

Illuminating haunting insanity,

The painful glare dimmed to a desperate plea.


With courage consummated I sucked air

And crept around the bend to fear’s lair,

Exposed, my future dreams grew pale

Extinguishing a hope that’s doomed to fail.


The path beckoned, rigid and straight

Streaking to the horizon’s gate,

A hallowed doorway to a distant world

Hung with banners of grace unfurled.


The candles flickered, demons snickered

Breathing lies with breath liquored,

Casting doubt on the transformation,

Blotting out the revelation.


Dragging the demon darkness forward

With weary steps I surged toward

The open gates promise of sanctuary;

Bursting through, I dared not tarry.


The seething darkness shuddered and died.

The cold wind whimpered and sighed

A lonely duet with the night,

Then vanished in a brilliant burst of light.


And so, the path brought me home,

Completing the circle, released to roam

The boundaries of a new existence,

Free from the penalty of pain’s persistence.


Hot wax drowned the flame;

The candle dimmed, whispering my name.

The path grew faint in the dimming light,

And my soul found rest in the silent night.

I hope your path leads you to peace and joy,


Stunning Alan, truly stunning.  Your wordcraft is quite poingnant. By sharing your reality first, I could much better undertand the meaning of your poetry.  And the hope it does portray.

You seem to have a strong connection with light.  Not only does it figure so prominently in your poetry, but your icon and footnote each show how light resonates with you.

For me it is the word "joy".  I use it as my pseudonym here as, to me, it seems to embody the perfect state of being.

"And my soul found rest in the silent night."  I hope your soul still finds peace and rest.

- Judy
Joy39047.8053472222Very good poem.

Wow, very impressive.Very much so indeed.



Once again, you touch my soul.

I feel that yours has found peace.

 Blessings, Nini

I was hoping you would post another poem. Thanks.