RA Sushi? Crunchy? Help? | Arthritis Information


Sooo.......I suck and I lost the url to it. Is it even back up? I never did hear :( Do you need someone to help you run it? Or do you need to find a new host? You KNOW Justin and I are the computer geeks Well...that's probably because I was asking CRUNCHY a question. Not everyone else.

And this is the exact reason that I miss Sushi. 

It was moderated, there was no flaming, there was fun without having to worry about insulting anyone, and there were a variety of subjects that we could post to. 

There was no reason to be angry over Katie's post.  She was asking a question and making a very nice offer to the person that created Sushi to help get it up and running again.  The person that created Sushi truly poured her heart into creating the board and the project was her baby.  It saddened us that posted there to see it down. 

Yes, some of us are frustrated with a non moderated board.  We come here for answers to serious things and sometimes a little fun to lift our spirits and we get flamed.  It would be nice to see Sushi up and running again but that is going to be totally up to its creator.  And it is also up to it's creator whom she gets assistance from.   

WELL - EXCUSE ME!!!!!!!!!

Who is or What is "sushi".  I'm Outta Here!!!!!!!!

You see I'm another computer geek and perhaps could have helped. Now you will never know.
Katie, I have no idea why you got a response such as that, but I also miss Sushi.  It is completely gone - the URL wouldn't do you any good.  Crunchy is looking for another home for it, and I'm sure she would appreciate anyone's help when the time comes.

Just remember that old saying, "No good deed goes unpunished."

Life is too short for this kind of thing!

Do you suppose they're mad because on kokonut's last thread I sort of broke up the "heated" talks with my constant posts of "SO HOW 'BOUT THEM METS?"




I'm over it. You all know what the hell I was saying, right? Right. Obee kaybee...with that attitude I don't think I want to know. 

Instead of anger, why wasn't help offered?  I can understand that everyone has bad days but WOW this was kind of over the top. 

We went to sushi to post to avoid the flammage that we just experienced here.  Think I am going to tell you about it after you flamed a person that posts a lot and is knowledgeable in what they post about? 

I'm done with this thread.  I feel it is going to turn into another kokonuts thing.  I will check back to see what Crunchy says about sushi.  I will follow that sweet, kind, informative, knowledgeable person anywhere.

Gees o pete people. Is there really a need for another forum? Like there aren't enough ra related forums that are moderated.

I visit several



both are moderated and no spam.

When I post I look forward to the responses of others on the board. If I wanted a response from a specific person I would check to see if the person an e-mail address or my space listing. If these two options aren't available, I would then specify in my post the person with whom I wanted to communicate. This procedure is courteous, straightforward and eliminates confusion.

As I said before I do sincerely regard this board as "our board" and all should feel as though they are included versus excluded. 

My apologies if anyone on this board feels as though I offended them. 

http://arthritisforums.iforumer.com/index.php?mforum=arthrit isforums You only offended by being so rude. You need to think before you post. This board is not owned by anyone, you're right. But that doesn't stop me from posting what I want to. I did not want to email her or myspace her, because the answer she gives me, will interest MANY people on this board. Making it public was much easier.

I did specify. Crunchy is IN THE POST TITLE. You are already up to a groupie and I'm sure have seen her posts. There are literally hundreds of them. I did not exclude anyone from this post. I didn't say you couldn't read it. I didn't say you couldn't comment. I'm just saying, it wasn't addressed to just anyone, or just you. It was addressed to crunchy.

I feel like a frickin broken record. If you don't get it this time, then just drop it. I'm tired of being a teacher.

My apologies were/are sincere. However, I have the distinct sense my apology hasn't been accepted.

I'm not saying I could have solved the problem Crunchy has going, but for sure I could have offered valuable tips and info. I say this because I am and employee of one of the largest software design companies. 

Me-ow!!!! Okay Cats...this is how it is going down...

I do not have sushi back up yet...because I do need a new host site. I need a free one. That is easy to use and will not impose spyware or pop-ups on my friendly users. Like the last board I want to have many moderators and more than one administrator so that the board is fair and unbiased...but totally moderated so that the Trolls and Koko-nuts are not bugging us. I want it to be in similar format to the old board with lots of categories RA and non-RA related.

YES! I would love help from anyone interested in getting involved.  The first step is locating a server to host the board. I would love to find one that will allow for an informational home page, blogs, chats and the message board. Does that exist for free? I dont know...But if anyone wants to help by doing some searches....or if anyone knows of anything, please pass it on.

Now lets all maintain a zen attitude.....purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

Is this thread for real........ why argue over " he said/ she said" everyone is entitled to their opinion but when sorry is said just accept it and move on, surely there are more important things to discuss such as "Christmas is coming"  peace and joy to all.








MSN Groups are free, but I think they have some ads like this board does.

They use to be cool. They have message board, chatroom, picture albums all for the community, and you can make a homepage on it.

I think they are still available, not sure will check it out to see.


Thanks Joonie...some else had suggested MSN to me, I will check it out. I still would like to hear any other ideas too...

I use to run an MSN group at one time, that is how I learned how to do HTML and eventually websites.

I really liked MSN Groups. It was like an all in one.

You can always set one up to see if you will like it and be able to "run" it, and if not you just delete it.


Here is some tips about running an MSN Group

http://groups.msn.com/editorial/en-us/content/features/great .htm

I did set one up and here is the link...now keep in mind...this may ultimately be the sister site for a different sushi board if this MSN one doesnt pan out. But it does look promising.


Here is the URL to crunchy's MSN Group.


Perhaps this could all be hashed over on a chat line somewhere?  Is this the high school freshman class?  OMG!

OMG! Did ya'll see Billy? He's a junior and he's on the football team...he is so fine! Like...OMG!!!!!


May I add another moderated board for Arthritis? 

Our board is a small board. 

Like RAsushi, our host server crashed too and had to be reformatted on a different Host Server.  Our board right now does not have many regular posting members, which some people maybe turned off by or some people may find it refreshing to be part of the start up of a new community support board. Oh, did I mention we have topics on all forms of Arthritis and not just RA?

We also have a no spam policy and flaming is not allowed either. We have games, chat room, quite a bit of information on multiple topics.  We offer audio and video Pod Cast on different subjects dealing with autoimmune diseases.  We also have an 'Off Topic' forum, for our members to do other things than posting messages...Like, gardening, exercising or cooking for that matter or how about showing off that prized picture of your special friend, Fido. We offer many nice things to do on our board as well. 

Come on by and look us over.  Your just a click away http://arthritisforums.iforumer.com 

We would love to have you drop by and leave us a message in our Guest Lounge about what you thought of our new re-formatted board.  We are always open.

Site Admin


Oh Waddles, I am so glad you posted this, I missed you but lost you.  Now I know why, you have changed the name etc.  I will pop over and have a look.  Thanks


Very nice forum!  I am really thinking about registering there.  As a casual visitor to this site, and I know the original question was only to Crunchy, I am just wondering what you meant by spammers?  I mean, I know what spam is, but what do you consider spam in regard to this site?  Thanks in advance.Spamming is a very general term...pretty much things like posting the same thing over and over, or trying to sell something over and over. Does that make sense? I'm bad at this. LoLWaddles!!!! Hey there! How are you girl?  Good to see you got your site back up and running..hope you will come by sushi on Friday and post a link to your board!

Hi Wendy.

I was wondering where you went to also. I missed you. 

 Before the old board crashed I saw what was happening and I managed to get the new board up and running before it crashed.  I did send out 'Moving Notices' but not sure if they arrive in the members e-mail boxes.  There was a lot of crap going on with our Host Server at that time.  Anyway, when I went back to get all the embers names and e-mail Addy's to send out another 'Moving Notice',  the board was gone.

I was tickled to see you registered to the new board.  Thank You

Hope you are doing well and am looking forward to seeing you on the new board and exchanging messages with you.

'Thank You' again Wendy, I really appreciate you registering at our new board.


Hi crunchy,

I am doing well for the most part.  With RA, each day is a guessing game.

I got it up and running in October. Surprised the heck out of me that I did manage to get it working before the crash of the RTFoums.

I haven't seen you back at the new board since you registered.  I was wondering about your board and what you where going to do.  You never came back to let us know but then again I know how much time it takes to build another website.  I wish you and your Moderators success with your new site. 

Take care and Good Luck


 PS:I take it you don't want to moderate our 'Animal Kingdom' board anymore...




I have just one request - can we have tons of smileys and maybe a dancing banana or two.  I want my posts to be more fun and I am bored with these smileys.  Toni?  Kay?  You all know I will hang out here mostly because it is the format I am comfortable with but I would follow you two anywhere.  Watching wolf and Katie - Chill.  I love you both.  Kiss and make up

I am glad that you dropped by.  You are welcome anytime at our board.   

Hope your day is a good one.



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