It is finally done | Arthritis Information


I think my flare is finally done!  3rd day in a row that the swelling is down in my hands and feet.  I can walk normally instead of shuffling.  I even brushed my own hair!  I am not as tired (except for the mtx day lol) and do not tire as easily as I was before.  Doing the dishes made me go take a nap lol.  I managed 2 flights of stairs this morning to do my own laundry.  I went and did grocery shopping by myself with the promise of having the boys at the grocery load my truck. 

Danny still has me taking it easy and I think I am going to go nuts

I did get to do one thing that made me very happy this morning.  It rained last night here.  I took my daughter to school in the Trooper and on the way back I went puddle romping.  There was just the HUGEST puddle that screamed DRIVE THRU ME!!  So I did lol.  Now my 4x4 looks as proper 4x4 should.  DIRTY!  Muwahahahaha!

Thanks to all my friends here that saw me thru those dark flare days when I thought it would never end.  Your support has been invaluable! 

Everyone have a great day and I hope everyone feels well today!

You go girl. its so nice to have a good day, it makes you look at life so differently. Puddle romping is great. just as long as no one is on the sidewalk. I hope you continue to feel good Oh pin cushion you're way too nice!  You get extra points if someone is on the sidewalk!   Hillhoney39048.321724537Not too nice just talking from experience lol. I did the same thing a few days back and drenched some poor old man ( really didnt see him) stopped to make sure he was okay but got a mouthful of abuse.dont blame him though he couldnt get his disability scooter to work.. My husband came to the rescue .The old man forgave me in the end. Well, pin cushion ordinarily I would give you the extra points for getting someone on the sidewalk, but since this one couldn't get away, I'm afraid you don't get those extra points.  Where's the sport in that?  LOL.  I was in an industrial area when I drove thru the puddle.  I am normally very careful about soaking people.   I used to take the bus to work in AZ and after a monsoon I know I wouldn't want to be soaked lol.  I have soaked cars before tho.  When we lived in AZ we had a Bronco.  It just got done monsooning and some hotshot in a Porsche cut me off.  I changed my lane and at the next intersection totally soaked him. 

Good news! You might get tired of me real soon!! My digital camera died I think

Darn 5 POS digital camera... only had it 9 months


joonie39048.524375Mud and a 4X4 always gives me some satisfaction too

I would not go mudd riding with hubby even if we had a 4X4, he is a bad driver too. I think I think everyone is a bad driver. I have yet to meet a good driver


I am a decent driver and so is hubby.  Don't forget, I drove one of those big red and white boxes with the pretty lights and sounds for years lol. 

I love muddin.  Just getting out there and tearing it up.  Great stress relief!

I only soak teenagers with puddles.


Liz I'm jealous. Share the wealth. I had a sh*tty day. Talk to you after Heros!
You like to soak teenagers? I dont get that one!!!???with the puddles. hit the puddles when teenagers are walking by. It's funny. LoL Ok... I had something way MORE preverted, Katie! Ahhh teenagers.  Yes the thought of lining them up (the ones that are always here and I love most of the time lol) and just soaking them HAS crossed my evil mind once or twice.  BEHAVE OR GET SOAKED MUUUUWAHAHAHAHA!