micheleb?? | Arthritis Information


How are you? Have not seen you post much lately, or I just have not been reading posts you have replied to?

Hope you are doing well.


I'm here!  I was off-line since Wednesday when we left for the in-laws.  I was very sick though from the increase in the mtx!  Slept, puked and had diarrhea all weekend!  Not fun!  I sure hope your turkey day was much better!

I'm also in a bit of a funk.  It was a year ago this time last year that I lost my twin girls at 12.5 weeks.  It was my 5th miscarriage.  I really miss my babies.  I know I need to concentrate on getting well than hopefully we can adopt from social services but my heart still aches from my little ones I lost.

I am sorry Michele.


I am sorry Michele.  I do know how you feel because of going thru miscarriages also.  Grieve your loss.  That is the only way you are going to get better. 

I am with you in spirit and you can always PM me if you need to talk. 

Thanks girls.
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