PA the hard way | Arthritis Information


     P.A. supposed to be mild with little or no limitations.On the other hand it can be quite severe. Guess who drew the short straw?

    I have had to let go most of the things in life that were for me the most enjoyable. Mostly anything that involved getting around.

   I own that pain, I have paid deerly for it and continue to this very hour. But just because I own that emotion I do not inflict my pain on other people. After all it was nothing they did that caused my almost constant pain.

    My bride and my best friend have a little thing we do when I am really mad and want to blow off some steam.

   We set a side some time dsuring which I get to act out my frustrations, fears or Mad as hell ats. Then when I am through I get back on the horse that threw me and get along.

    I do this because I do not have a healthy option and it works for me.

    We PA patients are a tough lot, we have to be. If we were not then most of us would not be here today.

   We are a silent clan of tough people who fight it out with PA everyday we awake.

   If arthritis had a special forces division we would all be Green Beret. The fact you are reading this is proof of just how strong you are, we are.    SAINT Hey I am right there with you.

Keep fighting the good fight!




Sounds like you have a great support system and a very positive attitude.

Keep it up




Good to see you I have pa too, beside ra and oa.  I agree with you  we are tough lot.  I keep a positive attitude because it does help me get through the day.  I am married with ine daughter, who is now 10.

I usually post at living with ra board you are m ost welcome to visit there too.  i happy you joined our little group.  Take care and hope to see you posting more soon.  meme

