finding sushi | Arthritis Information


so I have something up on MSN and there are some pictures there of my pets and one of me...I dont know how the format is gonna work but I would like to give it a test run so if anyone has time, please go and log in and post. Let me know what you think of the ease of use and speed. I feel like it is fairly user friendly but it seems to run is hard to tell with no one else there though.

Anyways I still would like to find some other sites.

   Crunchy, I just went to your site and left you a message.

   The reason why my count shows me as a newbie is because I had to re-signin with a different name after my roomie deleted my IPS. I wanted to ban him from using my PC after that.I'm gonna be honest. I'm not a big fan. I couldn't even figure out how the "threads" work. Though I'm a little out of it at the moment. I'll poke around it some more later, but so far...I dunno. I'm just not a big MSN fan. Never have been. LoL

Yes, I is not bad but there are some elements missing. Try going under the category "whats new" and see if that helps. Come on computer geek....find me a better place! was marissa right???? I would be steamed too.

Can't find the site Cruchy; on MSN.  What is the address? isnt that clickable?

Doesn't bring me to anything.  Sure of the address?
