Thanksgiving crazies | Arthritis Information


Well I survived Thanksgiving but barely. My son, traveling from LA to Monterey, a 6-7 hour drive, broke down on the highway midway between home and here, called AAA and was told that even though he paid his dues this year he had had too many road calls and could not be helped. He would have to pay another year's dues and the services would not start again until payment was received. In other words he was stuck on the highway on the day before Thanksgiving. He had the wherewith all to call his own towtruck and get fixed and moving on his own. He made it many hours later.There were many frantic calls home with me as intermediator between my son and AAA.

My daughter on the day before Thanksgiving was car jacked in Berkeley while on a date. She and her date had just exited a restaurant and had gotten into her car which she was driving. Three armed gang members held a gun to her head, socked her in the eye, and tried to pull her out of the car. The other two opened the door on the passenger side and started to assault her date, also at gun  point.

Sasha, being a brave individual, put her foot on the gas and managed to escape them. However, when she had gone half a block minus one contact where they socked her, she noticed her date was missing. She turned around and drove back to find him almost unconscious on the ground. She managed to pull him into the car, drive to a safer place and call the police. She didn't want to worry me so I didn't find out about this until Thanksgiving day when she arrived with a shiner and post traumatic stress disorder (I think). Meanwhile, she had invited two of her Japanese students from her ESL class she teaches at Berkeley to our house for dinner. They were to arrive by Greyhound bus about a 45 minute drive from our house on Thanksgiving. She was in no shape to pick them up herself, so my son did it. Meanwhile the other guests arrived, mostly former Russian ESL students of mine, now grown up. I had also invited a neighbor who has no relatives, no money, and no place to go. Sasha was asked by Berkeley not to scare her students by telling them of her sexperience. They are afraid if word gets out, the exchange students will go home.

To make a long story short, we all sat down to Thanksgiving, never mentioned any troubles, and in several languages gave thanks for our safety and togetherness. What a crazy but beautiful ending.

Needless to say, the stress did not help my RA and fibro. Avisit to the rheumatologist today confirmed that I still have very active RA and fibro. The good news is I'm feeling better off the MTX. I convinced the doc I want minimal medication. Even though I'm sure I'm incurring some damage, I feel better mentally and have far more energy. The part time job is a good compromise. Thanks for listening to my tome. I had to get it off my chest. Hope your Thanksgivings were less traumatic than mine. 

OMG Linda...what a nightmare for you and your family.  I'm so glad everything turned out ok and you were all together in the end.Ummm...let me pick my chin up off of the floor..okay..OMG linda...I cant believe that happened to your daughter...and shame on the school for not wanting to warn the other students over money...that really sucks. Glad your are doing better and your kids made it safely through the holiday!Linda, that's just too much. Both kids in trouble at the same time. As always, you are the tough one. I'm glad that they both ended up safe.Linda, I don't even know what to say!  I am very glad things turned out okay for everyone, though I know it will take a lot for your daughter to get over what has happened to her.  Poor thing, I'm sure she keeps reliving it over and over.   You raised one smart, tough girl there -- damn she can take a punch and keep on going, and still have the wherewithall to come back and save her passenger.  WOW!

You certainly had much to be grateful for this Thanksgiving!

By the way, I think she SHOULD tell everyone what happened - students, faculty, administration and she should refuse to keep quiet.  When it becomes an issue they have to deal with, they will push for more police presence and increase their own campus security. 

Thanks for all your kind wishes friends. I am so proud of my kids. They are both strong independent kids. My daughter is only 26 but has travelled the world on her own. She's lived in Costa Rico and Spain, done tsunami relif in Thailand, back packed across Australia, travelled through Cambodia, Laos and Viet Nam. Up until this experience she was fearless. I am hoping that with the support of family and her many friends she will come out of this experience whole. She may need counseling. The thought that 3 teenaged punks could do this to my daughter is unimaginable. It didn't happen within the Berkeley campus, but outside in Berkeley proper. At least she wasn't raped which she was afraid would happen if she got out of the car.

My son is a poor starving artist in LA. We knew that there was a good chance his car wouldn't make it for the long trip home given it's a 1988 Mazda. I worry about him a lot, but at the same time am proud. His girl friend is a dancer and has her own dance troup which goes on tour throughout the US. He is a sculptor and puppeteer who makes huge theatrical puppets.Together they are barely surving financially.

It seems to me that many of us RA sufferers have children that cause more than the usual amount of stress. There seems to be a pattern of ra people with artistic backgrounds, medical backgrounds, and children who cause more than their fair share of worry for parents. Anyone agree?

Oh my dear God! Linda. I'm so sorry. Hillhoney is absolutely right. You've raised a strong girl! It sounds like she's had a remarkable life and with all her experiences she'll get through this. Prayers, hugs, good wishes to all of you.

Thats just absolutely crazy!!!  I'm glad they are both ok.  I agree, your daughter shouldn't keep it a secret!  Love and hugs!Have to agree with you Linda, it does seem to be the trend. Your daughter is amazing though. Most people would not have the prescence of mind to get out of there and then once they did go back and rescure their boyfriend. Now, that girl's got moxy. Wonder where she gets it from. And, your son has an interesting career. I'm sure he'll do find. Look how hard you hang onto your interests. They have a great example in you.Just an update from our Thanksgiving crazies. Sasha is in counselling and doing better. We've had long talks and it has allowed us to really open up about other issues within our family. She was having nightmares for a while, but got through last night alright.I already answered on my thread before I read this. It sounds
like your family has had a far worse time than I did. Did
Sasha's date recover too? I hope that everyone is healing
emotionally and physically!Sasha's date was much more battered than she but being Brazilian and male was physically and I guess emotionally better able to handle it. He's fine and a big support to Sasha. He's not a serious boyfriend, just a friend. Her real boyfriend is doing a 3 year stint in the Peace Corps in Bolivia. They decided to date other people while he's away.