Feeling very tense | Arthritis Information


Think of me today, my friends. I have my mental evaluation with Social Security today. I don't know what happened to the physical evaulation.

Anyway, I'm a wreck. Last night, my body did the "I'm not going to walk thing" again. I could barely move my legs. This morning it's not much better.

At least my body is doing it's part to look sick today.

But say a little prayer for me. This appointment is so vital to me getting my SS.

Good luck

Lots of love, Wendy

Good luck!Good luck Deanna!A prayer is on it's way Deanna. 

Thanks for the well wishes. It must have helped. I pretty much cried all the way through it and I think he was pretty well convinced that I'm depressed. If it had been a job interview, I would have flunked.

FYI, he said that they throw in the mental evaluation any time a doctor writes down depression on your records.

Breathe deep. It's done. I'm sure it will help my case.

How strange that we're cheering that you cried all through your evaluation!

But still, it's done and your situation was clear. Sounds like a victory.

Glad you're  breathing again. Good luck with the wait for the decision--keep breathing.


What process have you taken to getting your SS?  How long,,etc

Sweetheart - I am praying and focus on how you felt last night.  That is what you need to communicate.  You so deserve disability my friend.  Don't let them bamboozle you.  You know inside what you need to do.  The suffering of RA are not vague memories, just go there and talk about it.  Can't wait to hear back from you.  Don't be scared.  You are doing what needs to be done and you paid into SS so you could get by if something as evil as RA invades your body.  LOVE

GK, I filed the beginning of August. They pushed back the application date back to June 13th because that's when the doctor first put me on a work from home. And the attempt to work was considered a failure which acts in your favor.

I was really surprised to get this evaluation this early. It was a mental evaluation. Usually, they do a physical evaluation.

But they have to make a determination by the first week in January. I think because my Social Security worker was really trying for me and got that earlier date.

I think Roxy is doing it on her own. Crunchy is using a lawyer.

If I get denied, which there is a very high chance a person will the first time around, then I go with the lawyer.

A lawyer is a good choice because they don't get paid until you get your benefits and they only get paid a set amount.

Doing so badly today, really falling apart, only helps my case. But the stress of it was killing me. I'm awfully glad this part is over.

I do not know what happens next.

  Deanna, Try to relax, now, Sweetie.  That part, at least, is over. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

I know from experience that this is, indeed, a trying time. The waiting and worrying about every little thing you say and do, dealing with Soc. Sec., can really make you crazy! But, really, relax. Just be honest, let them see you as you are, and things will fall into place.

Do not be surprised or upset if you are denied the first time out. I hope not, but if so, just get an attorney, like you said. One specializing in Social Security Disability knows just what to submit, and what to say and do. Believe it or not, depression is in your favor, as far as Disability goes. Sounds really sad, but that's how it seems.

I didn't even know my depression was being considered, but it is part of my qualifying illness. (RA is not, as I had not yet been diagnosed when I filed and was finally approved).

Rest, my friend, you will just wait for a while now. Take the time to try to feel better. I have no doubt you will be ultimately approved.

Gentle hugs and Blessings,



It is so unfair to have to go through all this mental agony as well as the physical because of this horrible disease. The lack of validation by so many people towards RA is enough to make a person weep. We are all thinking of you Deanna and I am sure when this is all over then your RA will improve dramatically because there will be less stress in your life. Be strong.

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