Ins. Companies suck! | Arthritis Information


Here I am in a major flare!! I can't get in to Dr. until Dec. 7th. So I call my RA Doc and they send out a prescription for vicodin which I cannot pick up for two days because my f***ing insurance company won't pay for it until then. I can't lift my left arm and my left hip are killing me!!!! I have .00 in my checking account and life is really sucking right now!!!



Sorry you're having such a rough time right now.....hope things get better soon

   Insurance com. are like that. They try their hardest to make you suffer.

   Hope that you're feeling better and if you have a tens unit, try to use it to stop the pain. If not, then the frozen vegs helps too. Numbs the pain for awhile.

CinDee - If you have help to pick them up you CAN buy only the amount you need for 2 days and get the rest when insurance pays for them.  Talk to your pharmacist and he should help you split up the Rx.

Take care and hope this helps,

Failing Bonny's suggestion, call the doctor for an override. Been in that situation far too many times. It always happens with pain medicine.