I guess I値l update ya値l | Arthritis Information


I went to get me staples & pin out, Tuesday. Well... looks like I was misled by sleepy hubby, Yeah.... I think he is one of the long lost dwarfs, except he is long lost because he is 6 foot, and he should have been Dopey

I did not have staples, I had stitches. And the pin... well it stays in my arm. Yeah... and they said to bring a "responsible" adult to take you home from surgery... well... I thought I did ... guess I was wrong

Good news is... I guess you can call it that... I healed very well, except I healed sooo good my skin healed over the stitches. OUCH!! The first 3 stitches were ok while the guy wiggled them loose to cut them, but the further he got up my arm closer to that "sensitive" skin toward the underarm, well let's just say... the bone Dr came in asking the tech why I was looking like I was

Anyways... so NO cast, only have to wear my splint cast when I am up & about, would have just been the sling and no splint, but the sling hurts both of my shoulders.

I also get to go to PT 3 days a week for 3 weeks, yeah... that will not last but 1 week

HAPPY, HAPPY, JOY, JOY.... I get to wash my arm tomorrow!! YAY!! Damn thing must be stinking by now

Oh and I think those anti-biotics they gave me during my surgery helped the ol' RA. I have been without Humira for over a month now... and well except for my right knee swelling for a few days, I have been doing pretty good, BUT I think it is starting to wear off. As my back is hurting more and my neck and  big toes. And today my hips when I walked felt sore like I had exercised or something... Are my hips CraZy or something, making me think I exercised. I do not exercise, wastes too much of my already depleted energy, need to save me energy for hubby, if ya know what I mean

PT SUCKS!! SPLINTS SUCK!! M&M's are Deeelicous!!

Well... that is my update.



joonie39050.0707175926Glad to hear that you healed so well. I know what it is like to walk around
with a stinky limb in a cast.

Maybe PT won't be so bad. I have been doing since Sept. for a knee injury
and my therapist is a sweetheart. We have actually become friends-didn't
see that one coming!


Go to PT for the full 3 weeks Grumpy Dwarf lol.  You need to regain the strength and the range of motion for that arm. 

Glad everything healed well.  When can you start the humira again? 

Thanks guys or should I say gals!

I do not when I will get take Humira again, I have not called RD as I am thinking he is still out of town. Besides better off waiting until my next appt Dec 13th. I believe I can last that long, I have before and I can do it again, just as long as I have my pred!

My arm looks nasty! I took of the splint-cast so I can wash it and take a shower, and where the gauze was on my wound it made that area raw and really red and that is why my arm felt like it was on fire and itching so BAD! I will take a picture of it and show it to ya'll later tonight or tomorrow.


Looking much better!!!  Ice and lotion for the red area.  Oh so the traumaI have been absent what had happened to your arm?? Are you okay I knew you shouldnt have gone into Freak-mart with them old people with those carts.(LOL) No seriously what had happened???I broke me elbow when I fell on the walking sidewalk at the portland airport. Then I had to get a pin and some other crap put on it to fix it back right.joonie39055.9112037037OH you poor thing that must have been horrible especially having the 2 little ones to chase around.  So I take it that you are feeling better if so thats GREAT!!


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