PMR & Tens Machine | Arthritis Information


Greetings to all on the forum. I am a 59 year old male who has had PMr for about 6 months. I have managed to stabilise on 5 mg Prednisolone per day, but would like to decrease further.

I have read that TENS machines can be used to decrease muscular/ rheumatic pain, and wonder if anybody has tried one for this or any other condition?

Hello HonJon

Welcome to the forum! I've tried a Tens machine in the past but personally it didn't do a thing for me! Perhaps my nerves don't behave properly. Maybe others have had success.

I've had PMR probably for several years undiagnosed. Only got a definite diagnosis in October. I'm one of the "younger" ones at 47.

Hope you are feeling better now you're coming off the prednisolone. I'm down to 10mg this week but the pains are back with a vengeance.(Seeing doc next week).

Have a good evening.
