got strep throat | Arthritis Information


Well, crap!  Just got back from the docs office and I have strep throat.  That means 5 days of very strong anti-biotics and no mtx or humira this week.  Do you think its likely to send me into another flare??Oh Michele.  Don't even think it.  That is not a long time to be off the meds, I have had to go off them several times.  I think that you will be fine.  Strep throat sucks.  The good news is antibiotics are amazingly effective.  Just think positive and enjoy getting better from the strep.  Baby yourself, get babied if possible and take ALL of your antibiotics.  I am voting NO YOU WILL NOT FLARE

Speak softly and carry a big stick.


What stinky news about having strep throat.

We'll all do a happy joints chant for you for warding off flares until you get your meds back.

No chanting from you now. Save your voice.

I agree with Deanna. A lot of people say they feel better while on anti-biotics. Just think of it as a temporary switch in meds, and try to smile :) Def. take it easy!!! Strep SUCKS!

Bleargh.  Sorry to hear about the strep.  My 14 year old has it too.  Take it easy and rest when you can.  Cuddle the sweetie dogs extra.  They always make you feel better. 

I don't think you will flare missing one week of the shots.  I didn't flare until I was off a month.

Rest and feel better soon!!!

Thanks for the reassurances!!  I hurt all over right now from this infection but just took my second dose of the antibiotic and slept from 3pm yesterday until 8am this morning and I'm still tired!

There is also a big storm front coming in, rain than ice and snow.  ACK!  If I start to swell up do you think it would be ok to take a little extra prednisone or will that make this infection worse?  I've weened down to 6mg prednisone a day and was hoping to get off it in the next month or two but my fingers are already starting to swell!

Hurm..that's hard to say....try giving your doc a call and see what he thinks. It would suck to say up it, and then find out you got massivly ill :( Icky. I'm sure that storm front coming in isn't going to help you fingers any either. Try to rest up!