Doctors Suck | Arthritis Information


I got really bad news today. I called the Neurologist to see what to do about my uncooperative legs that tremors, won't walk, can't lift my legs, spasms, etc. I look like a penguin when I try to walk and it takes forever to cross a room. Then other times it just stops and I'm almost back to normal.

He pulled me off the Neurontin which has been helping considerably with the pain in my hands. But it has been increasing the tremors. He said I absolutely must go off of it. So, what else do we do then. Nothing. He said he can't give me anything else because I'm on too much medication and anything he prescribed would interfere with those and also that I have too much nerve damage. So, I'm just supposed to live with this. I can barely walk. I mean it's getting scary. My legs won't move. I can try and move them and it's like trying to lift something heavy in slow motion.

Yes, I have to live it. That brought me to tears. He called back a few minutes later and said that he was going to call something else in but that it would make my leg muscles weak. They are already weak.

I asked him about MS or Parkinson's. He said I didn't have Parkinson's. He didn't comment on MS.

I still have physical therapy to go through. Maybe that will help.

But he hasn't done any MRIs or nerve conductions tests, nerve biopsies. How can he just write me off like that?

Yes, I am going back to my primary and ask for a second opinion. If I can't get a different answer then I want a chair to get around in. I wonder how many centuries it will take to get that. I don't think the walker is going to help much since I can't get the legs to move.

And knee surgeries, if this is the case, what's the point?

As I said, I hate doctors.

  Oh Deanna, I feel for you. I'm crying for you. It sucks when our bodies fail us.

   All I can do is give you a huge cyber

   I hope that if you get a 2nd. opinon, that you will get the help that you need. You always are so helpful to all of us. It's your turn to rant and vent. Darn that doc!!! He's no help.

  Deanna, vent, vent and vent some more and we will give you our support!

Thanks Marisa. I know you are having a hard time too.

And, I was so looking forward to those knee replacements.

Oh Deanna, what to say?

To offer you no hope and very little information. It seems so callous. If you were his wife, daughter, second cousin (!), he would be more helpful. Maybe he couldn't do any more for them either, but he sure would go about it differently and surely more thoroughly.

Of course you're doing all the right things, going for a second opinion, thinking about how you're going to get around.

Argh. I wish we could waive our collectiive magic wands and make the waiting time for all this be over NOW.

As if there were any question at this point about your being qualified for the Social Security Disabilty!

Hang in there. It HAS to get better than this.

  I  can  relate  with  docs  I   am getting  bounced  around  like a  ping pong ball  right  now.... 


I  am sorry  your  feeling  bad..  get another  opinion  and  even  a  third  if  you  must...

 today  I  saw  a  resident  who  was  very  nice  just  to  be  told  to  see  another  doc  sometime  next  week  uggg.


  anddddd   since  my  joints  are  not  swelling  just  painful  they  are    wondering     what's  going  on...

  well  he  looked  at my  toes  i  think  my  toes  look  awful...  he  said  no  they look normal  to  me....

so  prednisone  it  is    till next  week  then     another  doc  came  in  and  said   well  we  do not  know   what is  wrong  yet   so    another  guy  has  to  see  me....  geee   and  this  is  at the  teaching  hospital/University  in    my  town     they are  supposed  to  have  the  best  docs....

well it is  a small   city  only  230,000  ugg

I  wish I  was  back in  Raleigh  I  would  just  go  to  DUke....

 I  am in  WNY  my  family  is  here  but  we  have  family  in  NC  and  Cali  too...

I  do   have  my  prednisone  and  supplements... 

and  if  you mention supplements    they look at  you like   your  speaking  greek....

  I  think  docs  are  trained  to much  to  just  expect  to see   certain   things   and  when that  does  not  happen  they  are  like  OK   it's  not  doing  as  we  expect  so  what  is  it?


I am so sorry that you are getting the run around.  I think that too many docs rely on tests and cannot diagnose based on what we tell them.

230,000 is a small city?

I live in the capitol of Wy with a pop. of 50,000 and a state pop. of 400,000.  After firing 2 rheumys and 1 PCP I was able to find a great PCP and rheumy here.

Hang in there.  There are super docs out there the hard part is finding them.

Take care,


I´m so sad about you.

I´m from Portugal and I´have RA, for 12 years.

I´m on metotexaco mg weekly.

Bur the reason I am sendin this message is that I discober a medicine that can help you a lot. Tha name is ( WOBENZYM N )

I tryed a lot of things as you can imagine and this great.

Take care with what you eat. Avoid dairy products, Food aditives,

Evrithing fried, any soft drinks, cakes and anything manufacured.

After 15 days send me news about you.

The for You


Hey Deanna, just sending you another post to wash off the vibes you didn't need on your thread.

Thinking about you.

 Deanne... I just posted a new post- walking problems need advise. You might want to read it. I will let you know what my neurologist says tomorrow. Good luck to you.

Please still consider the physical therapy and the knee surgeries.  Even IF it ends up that you can not walk why live with the pain of knees that are bad?  Even sitting in a chair can bother them.  And they will still deteriorate if you walk or not.  That is the nature of our crappy disease. 

I really encourage you to keep fighting for yourself and your health.  Get that second opinion.  Process and grieve over what this doc has said to you.  After you have gotten through that I feel that your strength and determination will be back and you will keep fighting for yourself. 

Ahh what a total bummer, you must be absolutely beside yoruself. I am so sory to hear this news......My Dr.'s are working together, I am so fortunate...if they didn;t I would absolutely lose it..........

many hugs!


Well, I've already decided that I'm not done fighting. I've heard of Wobenyzme. I used to work for the company that imports it to the US. What I cannot seem to find out is if it is activating further the immune system. I cannot afford that to happen. That's what seems to be in constant overdrive.

I would like to keep walking though. Strangely enough, my knees don't even hurt like they used to. The main reason I don't want to get the surgery is because I've already been told I'm a big surgical risk. And, the thought of having tremors while trying to heal is almost more than I can contemplate. But I'll remember what you said. That will be a long talk with the ortho surgeon. I've been waiting for "very necessary" surgery for about 4 months now with the last problem being torn ligaments. So, you are probably right about doing it. I just really hate surgery. Don't mind PT though.

The new medicine is a medicine used in MS for reduction of spasms. I have so many doctors involved in all of this right now that I am confused myself. You should see my calendar, it's almost a diffferent doctor every day. I will be also having a long talk with my primary and see if he can find out a bit more what is going on in the mind of these doctors.

What I absolutely hate is when the doctors give up on me. How dare they? And, that seems to be the message I keep getting over and over. At the same time, I'm having to prove I am disabled.

I'm confused.
